A group of sages discuss the Tao and draw a new chapter on the character of a gentleman. Xijiu Group holds the 2024 Spring Equinox Forum


Xijiu Group 2024 Spring Equinox Forum Site

Dahe Net News On March 19, the main topic was “The spring breeze stirs up the character of a gentleman”. The Xijiu Group’s 2024 Spring Equinox Forum was successfully held at Xijiu Hotel. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars gathered at Xijiu for a spring appointment, where they talked about the spirit of a gentleman and the way of a gentleman.


Music, poetry and painting performance “The Way of a Gentleman”

Zaiyinshihua performed “Thank you for your hard work.” She fondly held up the hand of her daughter-in-law, who she liked more and more, and patted it. her hands. She felt that her daughter-in-law’s hands had become thicker, and it was only three months old. In the strong atmosphere created by “The Way of a Gentleman”, Xijiu Group’s 2024 Spring Equinox Forum officially kicked off.


Gu Jiu delivered a keynote speech

Gu Jiu, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Congress, former chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and honorary president of the Xijiu Junpin Research Institute, delivered a keynote speech titled “How Do We Be Gentlemen Today”, profoundly explaining the concept of “gentlemen” “The historical background, development history, rich connotation, and how to be a gentleman today in Chinese modernization.

“Sister-in-law, are you threatening the Qin family?” The man narrowed his eyes in displeasure. /format/jpg”>

Zhou Guoping delivered a keynote speech

Famous philosopher, writer, scholarZhou Guoping systematically explained the concept and meaning of gentleman in “The Analects” and the interpretation of gentleman in ancient Greek philosophy. The relationship between a gentleman and wine culture. As a drinking lover, I sincerely thank the “gentleman in wine” Xi “Who will come? Wang Da asked loudly. Jiujiu sticks to its original intention to make good wine.


Qian Wenzhong delivered a keynote speech

Professor of the History Department of Fudan UniversityQian Wenzhong explained in detail the origin, meaning and development of the word “junzi”, and analyzed the meaning of “junzi” in traditional culture The standard of a gentleman. He said that in the new era, Xijiu Group can build corporate character according to the standard of a gentleman and practice the “gentleman culture”, which has the significance of being exemplary, modern and a model of value.


Chen Xianghong delivered a keynote speech

Vice President of China Tourism Association, Chairman of Dingdu Group Co., Ltd., and founder of Wuzhen TourismChen Xianghong is a national 5A-level Taking the tourism creation of Wuzhen, a tourist attraction and famous cultural town, as an example, it provides valuable suggestions for the future development of Xijiujiu culture and tourism and the construction of gentleman’s character. I believe that Junpin culture will definitely accelerate the high-quality development of Xijiu.


Zhang Deqin delivered the keynote speech “But I just heard Hua’er say, She won’t marry you. ” Lan continued. “She said it herself, it was her wish. As a father, of course I have to satisfy her. What he said

Xi Jiu “Is he serious?” Group Party Committee Secretary and ChairmanZhang Deqin shared his knowledge of wine and explained the origin and mission of the character of a wine-loving gentleman. He said that the character of Xijiu Gentleman comes from the good genes of the Chinese nation, from the simplicity of the folks deep in the mountains, and from the self-reliance and self-reliance of Xijiu predecessors who are willing to fight for life for Xijiu. All these determine the Xijiu brand. It has had the gene of a gentleman since its establishment. In the future, all Jiujiu people will conscientiously practice the Junpin culture with “Advocating Taoism, Being oriented, Respecting Business, and Loving People” as the core values ​​and “Knowing reverence, understanding gratitude, acting modestly, and showing compassion” as the Jiujiu character, and strive to Promote the high-quality development of Xijiu.


Wang Diqiang’s speech

The insights and wonderful judgments of cultural luminaries, experts and scholars brought a cultural feast to the audience, and deepened everyone’s understanding of the gentleman. Deep understanding of character. Wang Diqiang, deputy secretary and general manager of the Party Committee of Xijiu Group, said in his speech that in the future, Xijiu will always remain humble, gentle, diligent and reserved, with the spirit of self-improvement and sincerity. With the ambition to embody virtues and things, we will always cherish the common people and benefit the world, and we will make unremitting efforts to realize the beautiful vision of “100-year wine practice, world-class”.


Shared by Li Yangzuo

At the forum, Li Yang, representative of Xijiu distributors, shared an emotional speech titled “Xijiu is a Gentleman in My Eyes” and talked about the friendship that has gone hand in hand with Xijiu over the past 7 years. She It is said that Xijiu is like an unswerving gentleman. After years of baptism, he always sticks to his original intention and insists on making fine wine with ingenuity. No matter how the market environment changes, Xijiu never relaxes his insistence on product quality. This is what leads him as a distributor. The root of our pride is also the cornerstone for Xijiu to stand firm in the fierce market competition. All Xijiu dealers will take the “Junpin Convention” as a guide, uphold the belief of “long-termism”, stick to the original intention, and be based on the long-term. Continue to work together with Xijiu, support each other, and embark on a journey of quality and character practice.


Xijiu Group 2024 Spring Equinox Forum

The journey is long, culture is used to transform people; the road is like a stone, Travelers have no boundaries. 2024 is the “Year of Gentleman’s Character Construction” of Xijiu Group. In the bright journey of the future, all Xijiu people will follow the wise voices of this Spring Equinox Forum and unswervingly promote and practice the culture of Junpin. Always be a loyal inheritor, promoter and practitioner of China’s excellent traditional culture, blow the horn of gentleman culture, raise the sail of gentleman spirit, continue the historical context of the Chinese nation, and compose a contemporary and beautiful chapter of gentleman culture.

Yang Fengxiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union of Xijiu Group, Zeng Fanjun, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Xijiu Group, Member of the Party Committee of Xijiu Group, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Liu Anyong and responsible comrades from relevant departments of Xijiu Group and Xijiu Co., Ltd. attended the event. (Song Jian Luo Taifen/Text and Photo)