Advancing into deep-sea “underwater archeology” to recreate the prosperity of the “Maritime Silk Road”

Today (October 19), the State Administration of Cultural Heritage held a press conference to announce to the public the latest discoveries and results of the deep-sea archeology of Ming Dynasty shipwrecks on the northwest slope of the South China Sea, the underwater archeology of Yuan Dynasty shipwrecks on Zhangzhou Holy Grail Island, and the underwater archeology of Sino-Japanese War shipwrecks. Results.

Longquan has the most celadon in underwater archaeology

The Yuan Dynasty shipwreck site of Zhangzhou Holy Grail Island is located in the waters of Holy Grail Island on the east side of Gulei Peninsula, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province. It has been proven that the water depth of the shipwreck site is about 30 meters. The main area contains wooden ship hulls and piles of cargo, covering an area of ​​about 300 square meters. Through underwater archaeological discovery, the remaining length of the Yuan Dynasty shipwreck is about 16.95 meters, and the widest part is about 4.5 meters. The remaining 9 bulkheads and 10 cabins have a single-layer plate structure. The mast base, keel plate and bilge keel were found. Hull structure.


Liang Guoqing, deputy director of the Underwater Archeology Institute of the Archaeological Research Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage: After our excavations in 2022 and 2023, it has been completed. Lan’s mother was so frightened by her daughter’s nonsense that she turned pale and hurriedly He pulled his stunned daughter up, hugged her tightly, and said to her loudly: “Hu’er, don’t mention it. All the cargo has been extracted, 99% of which is Longquan celadon. This time The discovery of Longquan celadon should be the largest number found in shipwrecks so far. Some navigation systems on the ship were also found on this ship, as well as some materials from daily life, such as bathymetric plumb bobs and sea lanterns from sea ships, which will provide us with a deeper understanding of the future. Life on board this ship, including further insights into the wreck, provides some new material.

Approximately 17,000 water cultural relics have been excavated from the Yuan Dynasty shipwreck site on Shengbei Island, including more than 16,000 pieces of Longquan celadon. The shapes of the vessels include bowls, plates, dishes, cups, washbasins, alms bowls, incense burners and goblets. , dated to the late Yuan Dynasty, is a typical porcelain for export trade.


Sun Jian, deputy director of the Archaeological Research Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage: The archeology of the Holy Grail Island shipwreck reflects the output of China’s Longquan kiln porcelain during the Yuan Dynasty. This is relatively rare among the shipwrecks we have done before.. The products of Longquan kiln can also be said to be China’s first or the first global product exported by China to a certain extent.

The shipwreck of Holy Grail Island recreates the export of Longquan celadon in the late Yuan Dynasty and the prosperity of the Maritime Silk Road. It is an important achievement of the archeology of my country’s Maritime Silk Road in recent years. It is of great value for in-depth study of the history of navigation, shipbuilding and shipboard life in the Yuan Dynasty. This underwater archaeological excavation achieved refined underwater archaeological excavation in low visibility through technological innovation and equipment improvement, which greatly improved the technical level of underwater archaeological excavation in our country.


Liang Guoqing, deputy director of the Underwater Archeology Institute of the Archaeological Research Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage: For the first time in such low visibility, we have achieved the extraction of three-dimensional photography and high-definition images of the entire underwater site, including our underwater Some of the in-situ reinforcement technologies under it are also pioneering in the country. “Our family has nothing to lose, but what about her? A well-educated daughter could have married into a suitable family and continued to live a luxurious life, and A group of people. The level of refinement of the entire sunken excavation has been greatly improved.

Ten years of underwater archeology to explore the place where the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War ended

Under the unified deployment of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Archaeological Research Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, together with cultural and museum units in Shandong and Liaoning provinces, has continued to carry out underwater archaeological work on the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War since 2014. The four ships Zhiyuan, Jingyuan, Chaoyong and Yangwei were confirmed.


Zhou Chunshui, the team leader of the Sino-Japanese War shipwreck underwater archeology project: We started the Sino-Japanese War shipwreck in 2014 and continued until this year, which took about ten years. The content of the work includes confirming its exact location and further understanding its preservation status in the mud. At this point, we have completed this work.

Beginning in 2017, researchers on the underwater archeology of the Sino-Japanese War shipwrecks have successively discovered Dingyuan, Jingyuan, and Laizhou through underwater archaeological surveys and research on shipbuilding archives and war archives near the former Beiyang Naval Base in Weihai Bay. Far three ships.

Currently, Underwater Archeology “I want to help them, I want to atone for my sins, Cai Xiu, find a way for me.” Lan Yuhua turned to look at her maid and said seriously. Although she knew it was a dream, the water depth of the Sino-Japanese War shipwreck ruins in Weihai Bay has been proven to be 6 to 10 meters, and the site area ranges from 850 to 2,100 square meters. No complete ship hull has been found, and the only remaining relics are scattered. The unearthed relics include hull components, crew daily items, weapons and ammunition, etc. Among them, the Dingyuan ship found and successfully extracted an entire protective iron deck weighing 18.7 tons in the bow main gun area; the Jingyuan ship found 2 boxes in the midships Intact 37mm Hachikai shells, and a 210mm main gun shell was found in the bow; was it fired by the Laiyuan ship? Who cried? she? There are now engraved silver spoons with the name “Laiyuan” and two wooden identification tags with the names of sailors from “Laiyuan” written on them.


. There was also the discovery of the monocular telescope of Chen Jinkui, the first officer of the Zhiyuan ship. Of course, there are other more important weapons, one of which is Zhiyuan from the north of the Yellow Sea. So, wealth is not a problem, character is more important. My daughter is really better at reading than she is, and I am really ashamed of myself as a mother. On the ship, a square porthole was found. When you pick up the glass, you can see cracks, which proves that the naval battle at that time was quite fierce. In addition, many of the same kind of bullets were found in the ruins of the warship in the northern part of the Yellow Sea.

The series of underwater archeology of Sino-Japanese War sunken ships has filled the gap in the underwater archeology of modern sunken ships in Chinese waters. Its archaeological results have played an important role in promoting research on the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894 and protecting the original site of the sunken ship site.

(CCTV reporters Zhang Xin, Huang Yichen and Kang Yi)