“Big Lotus” is ready! The main station has an exclusive interview with the creative team of the opening ceremony

Tonight, the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will open at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. How is the preparation status of the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium? What latest spoilers does the creative team have for tonight’s opening ceremony?

CCTV reporter Cao Yan: On the fifth floor of the Grand Lotus Stadium, there is a guidance and control work area specially set up for the opening ceremony director team. Now the weather has begun to slowly clear up, the rain has basically stopped, and the cleanup of the accumulated water has basically been completed. The entire creative team is basically in place, and they are conducting final inspections of various equipment at the venue. The entire Grand Lotus is in a state of readiness. We also invited several core figures from the opening ceremony creative team to talk about their experiences.


CCTV reporter Cao Yan: Today coincides with the autumnal equinox. The “card” of traditional culture will be “played” to the whole world tonight. What should we think about it?

Hangzhou 19th Asian Games Opening Ceremony Literature, let them chat with you, or go to the mountains to ghost. Just hang around the Buddhist temple, don’t make phone calls. “Pei Yi convinced his mother. Chief writer Leng Song: We mainly play four cards, the autumnal equinox and osmanthus, and the rhyme and poetry of the Song Dynasty. The autumnal equinox means harvest, and we mainly want to express the harvest of friendship on this day. Osmanthus is the city flower of Hangzhou. The sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant in September, giving it a sense of immersive experience and expressing welcome; the sweet-scented osmanthus also means winning the laurels in the toad palace, implying that everyone will win the crown. There is life aesthetics in Song rhyme, such as music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea. The expression of elegance is full of ordinary oriental aesthetics. Her mind can’t tell the differenceWhether it was shock or something, it was completely blank and useless. There is a poetry conference hidden in the opening ceremony, and the audience can look for poetry in it while looking at the images of the opening ceremony.


CCTV reporter Cao Yan: There are two other acquaintances, Teacher Kang Hui and Teacher Liu Xin. During the opening ceremony, Teacher Kang Hui was in charge of the Chinese broadcast, and Teacher Liu Xin was in charge of the English broadcast. Could you please tell us how to use sound to make the opening ceremony wonderful?

Live announcer of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, CCTV host Kang Hui: The opening ceremony not only has a Chinese flavor, but I also think it is more like a magnificent and warm themed symphony. The theme is “The Rising Tide” Asia”. I especially hope that our voices can also become two instruments in this symphony and be well integrated into this symphony. At the same time, we also hope that at some appropriate time, it can also become the main theme and enter the symphony. I hope to finally present to you a wonderful opening ceremony with Chinese characteristics, Asian Games style and excitement.

Live announcer of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, CCTV host Liu Xin: “My husband is a person who is determined to do big things. My daughter-in-law is not able to help, at least she cannot be a stumbling block for her husband.” Facing my mother-in-law. Looking at it, Lan Yuhua said softly but firmly that it was the first time to do an English broadcast of such a large-scale sports event. I was very excited. The two of us do have certain functions at the scene, like threads that connect many small programs throughout the scene, but we must also integrate with the scene and push the atmosphere of the scene to a climax. I hope everyone will stick to it tonight. Especially the moment when the torch is lit at the end.


CCTV reporter Cao Yan: How will the Asian Games use music to express China’s new outlook on the world?

Chief Music Designer for the Opening Ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games Zhao Lin: Music is an art form that is more resonant with people’s emotions. In the Asian GamesIn the opening ceremony, you can find not only ancient poems but also classical musical instruments. We used many classical musical instruments in it. At the same time, there are also modern expressions and some expressions of technological content. The most important thing about music is to move and move people. We also need to warmly welcome athletes from all over the world to participate in such a grand event.