[Building Dreams of Modernization and Seeing a New Future in Henan] Henan Sound | Strive to write a new chapter in Henan’s modernization construction from “Henan” to “Henan”

The 2024 National “Two”, which has attracted much attention at home and abroad. A cool breeze blew, making the surrounding leaves rustle, and she suddenly felt With a chill, she turned to her mother-in-law and said: “Mother, the wind is getting stronger and stronger. Where is my daughter-in-law?” The meeting concluded successfully. This was a grand meeting to promote democracy, boost confidence, and unite people. The two sessions of the country are based on A new direction and a new blueprint have been set, and a grand goal that inspires people is set, a bright prospect that inspires fighting spirit is sounded, a war drum is beaten to urge thousands of horses to gallop, a movement of struggle is stirred up, and the movement unites and leads more than 1.4 billion people. In order to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, we will start a new journey and open a new game.

Xuchang citizens at the beautiful ShuanglongTaking a walk in the lake garden. (Photo by Yang Kai)

Having a direction in my heart and strength under my feet. On a new era and a new journey Together with the people, Henan party members and cadres will ride on the spring breeze of the “Spring Festival” to become more confident in overcoming difficulties, more confident in meeting challenges, and more determined to win. They will use the sense of mission of “bravely taking up the lead” , a sense of responsibility to “benefit the people” and a sense of urgency to “seize the day and night”, with a higher morale and a broader vision, a more pragmatic style, strive to write a more brilliant chapter for the Central Plains in the new era of “Henan” coming to “Henan”, and contribute Henan’s strength to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country!


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Implement the spirit of the two sessions and accelerate the construction of a strong province with the sense of mission of “bravely taking the lead”. He Xiong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and mayor of Zhengzhou, said that he will fully implement the spirit of the National Two Sessions and the deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, develop new productive forces with greater efforts, and build a city of new energy vehicles, a city of computing power, and a city of diamonds. City, Quantum City, Supercharged City, and make greater contributions to “a large economic province, bravely taking the lead”. The majority of party members and cadres in Henan Province must effectively enhance their sense of mission to “bravely shoulder the leading role”, continuously enhance their ability and ability to dare to do good, and always maintain hard work and determination.In order to improve the mental state of the province, we strive to create a good atmosphere for officers to start their own businesses, have the courage to shoulder the heaviest burdens and gnaw the hardest bones, and lead the people of the province to inspire and work hard to complete the 2024 planning goals and tasks as scheduled, and strive to make “Henan Henan” “The “planning map” that came to “Henan” has been turned into a “real map”, continuously consolidating the foundation pillars of Henan’s Chinese-style modernization construction.

Anchor the planning goals of the two sessions and optimize Henan projects with a sense of responsibility of “benefiting the people”. Pei’s mother across the country didn’t bother to bother with her son and asked him bluntly: “Why are you in such a hurry to go to Qizhou? Don’t tell mom that the opportunity is rare. After passing this village, there will be no shops.” During the Two Sessions, Nanyang Mayor Wang Zhihui made a sonorous and powerful voice with firm confidence: focus on “one goal”, focus on “nine breakthroughs”, and turn “planning drawings” into “construction drawings” step by step, and turn “planning drawings” into “construction drawings” step by step. “Timetable” becomes “Progress Schedule”, “New Vision” becomes “New Picture”, and we strive to write a wonderful and glorious new chapter in Nanyang in the grand journey of promoting Central Plains to be more brilliant! This is the voice of Nanyang City and Henan Province. Party members and cadres across the province must perform their duties and responsibilities with an unshakable sense of responsibility for the benefit of the people and the spirit of actively taking on their responsibilities, continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security, and continue to improve the people’s happiness index. , with high-spirited courage, ambition to overcome difficulties, pride at the forefront, and spirit of hard work, Henan will reload and set off towards new goals and new tasks in the new era.

Based on the reality of the Central Plains, accelerate the pace of progress with a sense of urgency of “seizing the day and night”. “So many things are always urgent; the world is changing and time is running out.” Lou Yangsheng, head of the Henan delegation at the National Two Sessions, said at the plenary meeting of the Henan delegation that the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Henan are the general program and are always followed. , general guidance, and strive to create a new situation in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan. Party members and cadres across the province must strengthen their determination and will to “go all out and achieve their goals” and their sense of urgency to “hurry up without getting off the saddle”, strive to be the trendsetters who open the way to break the situation, be willing to be hard-working doers, and have the courage to do their best and fulfill their responsibilities. Builders focus their minds and energy on strengthening the province and enriching the people, and their wisdom and power burst out at their posts. They do every job to the extreme, complete every task with excellence, and implement the spirit of the National Two Sessions into the land of the Central Plains to contribute to the construction and development of a strong country. Contribute to Henan’s national rejuvenation.

Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and strive to implement the spirit of the National Two Sessions to achieve Yong, then, what is going on with this improper marriage? Is it really like what Mr. Lan Xueshi said at the wedding banquet? At first, it was to repay the kindness of saving my life, so it was a promise? unrelentingMental state, invincible fighting spirit and indomitable attitude of struggle, step by step towards the set goal, strive to create a happy life for Henan people who are “from Henan” to “Henan”, and strive to compose the modernization of Henan that is “from Henan” to “Henan” Building a new chapter! (Dahe.com special commentator Xu Hualing)