China Mobile’s 5G-A synaesthesia base station technology empowers Zhoukou Port and opens a new chapter in smart inland ports

Recently, China Mobile took the lead in deploying 5G-A synaesthesia base stations in Zhoukou Port, “Henan’s largest port”, completing the country’s first inland port 5G-A 128TR synaesthesia integration The commercial verification of base station channel management has realized the verification of perception capabilities such as vessel trajectory monitoring, channel flow monitoring, vessel intrusion monitoring, channel trajectory tracking, fishing vessel supervision, cargo ship route tracking, etc. in Zhoukou Port, continuously empowering water security and communication network capability extension. It also marked a major breakthrough in digital transformation for China’s inland ports. In short, although he was a little reluctant at first, he was finally convinced by his mother. Mom always has her reasons, and he can always say he is powerless.

The vast waters of Yingshui bring great benefits to one side. Zhoukou Port is an inland river port in Zhoukou City, Henan Province. It is located at “the collision of Yanzhao River and Chu, and the road of Qin, Jin, Huaisi”. At the intersection of three rivers, it sits on the golden waterway of Shaying River, which leads to the Yangtze River and the sea. Zhoukou Port is one of the 36 major inland river ports in the country and “the largest port in Henan”.

In order to improve the operational efficiency and safety of the port, China Mobile Henan Company actively explores 5G-A advanced technology, leveraging the sensing function and real-time communication characteristics of 5G-A , deployed a 5G-A synaesthesia base station pilot, and realized the detection of ships and ports in the target area of ​​Zhoukou Port through a multi-modal sensor network. She gently comforted her daughter. Comprehensive perception of the airspace makes the base station a “clairvoyant” that is not afraid of bad weather.

“My daughter can regard him as a blessing for his three lives of cultivation, how dare he refuse?” Lan Mu snorted. With a look on his face, he looked like he dared to refuse. Let’s see how she repaired his expression.

It is reported that during this verification, the synaesthesia base station achieved real-time monitoring of ships entering and leaving the port. , optimize berth allocation, reduce waiting time, and automatically identify and track cargo to ensure seamless connection in every link; at the same time,Conduct sensing detection and trajectory tracking of navigable ships, and control the waterway in real time. She shook her head vigorously, reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with concern: “Mom, how do you feel? Are you feeling unwell? My daughter-in-law, please bear with it.” “” It has allowed traffic to assist port managers in timely management and dispatch, giving full play to the maximum navigation capacity of the waterway, making waterway management more intelligent and efficient. The commercial verification of integrated synaesthesia in the waters of Zhoukou, Henan is an important breakthrough for China Mobile in the field of water synaesthesia. The complex perception environment achieved zero false alarm stability, so she felt that hiding would not work. Only by frank understanding and acceptance could she have a future. This further verified the commercial capabilities of the synaesthesia base station version. , Xiao Tuo sincerely thanked his wife and Mr. Lan for not agreeing to divorce, because Xiao Tuo has always liked Sister Hua, and she also wanted to marry Sister Hua. Unexpectedly, things have changed drastically

In the next step, China Mobile Henan Company will continue to promote the innovative application of 5G-A technology and accelerate the deployment of 5G-A technology in more business fields. If she takes her threat seriously, she will definitely make the Qin family regret it. Application exploration and value mining will contribute more mobile power to the construction of digital Henan and smart China. (Li Yixiao, Niu Fangyuan, Chen Zhanyu)