[Committee has something to say] Yang Xiaolin: Accelerate the construction of Henan coal-measure gas industrialization to achieve “treating both the symptoms and root causes” of coal mine safety

Dahe Network News (Reporter Liu Gaoya)” Henan is one of my country’s major energy resource provinces and contains abundant coal and coal-measure gas resources. Accelerating the industrialization of coal-measure gas resources in Henan Province is an inevitable trend and requirement of the times for the clean energy industry and large-scale development in the new era.”

At the two sessions of Henan Province in 2023, Yang Xiaolin, member of the Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of Henan University of Science and Technology, brought a proposal about the industrial development of coal-based gas in Henan.

Significance丨Improve the safety production level of coal mines and promote green transformation

Currently, further What is the significance of accelerating the industrialization of coal-measure gas in Henan Province?

“First of all, it will help improve the safety production level of coal mines in Henan Province.” Yang Xiaolin introduced that gas accidents will occur in coal mines across the country in 2022 From 5, 7 people died. As the depth of coal mining increases, coal mine gas disasters seriously restrict the healthy development of the coal industry.

“Most of the mines in Henan Province are high gas mines and mines with coal and gas outbursts. At present, underground gas control methods are mainly used. The tunnel engineering volume is large, the construction period is long, and the construction cost is high. , it is difficult to replace the mining.” Yang Xiaolin suggested, To ensure safe production in mines, there is an urgent need to change the prevention and control methods, and follow the idea of ​​”co-mining dual energy sources of coal and gas (coal bed methane), extracting gas first and then coal” to achieve both the symptoms and root causes of coal mine safety.

Yang Xiaolin believes that, secondly, it will help promote the development of Henan Province’s comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation. Coal-based gas is a new type of clean energy with high calorific value and low pollution. Efficient development and utilization will help improve the traditional energy structure, save resources and energy and reduce consumption, improve the urban atmospheric environment, improve the quality of life and living standards of the people, and help Henan’s economic and social development has been fully green. During these five days, none of the people and things she encountered, big or small, were illusory. Every feeling was so real, and the memory was so clear. What color and low carbon Transform and achieve dual carbon goals.

“Furthermore, it will help meet the urgent demand for clean energy in the Henan Province market.” Yang Xiaolin said that Henan Province’s energy supply and resource endowment There is a reverse contradiction, and there is an urgent need to increase the exploration and development of unconventional natural gas, transform the coal-based gas resource advantages into supply advantages, and make up for the huge gap between supply and demand of clean energy.

Yang Xiaolin introduced that according to the predictions of relevant authoritative organizations, the total natural gas consumption in Henan Province will increase to 31 billion cubic meters by 2030. The total amount of the gap is thanks. It will reach 29.8 billion cubic meters, and the external dependence will reach 96%. “The current scale of natural gas development in Henan Province is far from meeting the medium and long-term demand for natural gas consumption. The rigid demand for gas safety only relies on national adjustments and even imports.It is not enough to fill this gap. “You can also make good use of your energy to observe. Take advantage of this half-year opportunity to see if this wife is in line with your wishes. If not, wait until the baby returns to reality.”

Suggestion丨Establish a leading group for coal-based gas industrialization

“Since the cooperation between Henan University of Science and Technology and China Shenma Pingmei Group in 2020, the cumulative gas production has exceeded 16 million cubic meters. Among them, the highest daily gas production in a single well Reaching 41,000 cubic meters, it broke the single-day coal-measure gas extraction record for surface drilling in Henan Province, broke the historical record for single-well coalbed methane extraction in structural coal regions in my country, and took the lead in realizing commercial utilization in Henan Province, effectively promoting the development of coal The industrialization of natural gas has made a breakthrough in Henan Province.” Yang Xiaolin introduced.

How to better implement the national “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” strategy for coal production safety and energy structure transformation in Henan Province The new requirements put forward to seize the strategic opportunity of building the coal-based gas industry in Henan Province?

Yang Xiaolin suggested that first of all, a leading group for the industrialization of coal system gas should be established as soon as possible to coordinate and solve the problems in the development process of the coal system gas industry. “Everything is fine with you, it’s just that sometimes you are too serious and too serious. You are such a big fool.” We must do a good job in element guarantee and grassroots coordination to form a driving force for the development of the coal-based gas industry. A powerful combination.

“In terms of improving laws, regulations and standards, we can learn from the active resignation of coal gas experts in other regions in the country. Advanced industrialization experience, and gradually improve A series of laws, regulations and technical standards such as the approval and supervision of mining rights, coordinated development of coal and coal-measure gas, project establishment, project land use, environmental protection, safety supervision, and financial support provide institutional guarantees for the industrialization of coal-measure gas in Henan Province.” Yang Xiaolin said.

In terms of strengthening the leadership of scientific and technological innovation, Yang Xiaolin suggested that we vigorously promote the research and demonstration of key technologies for coal-based gas development, give full play to the advantages of the coal-based gas discipline of Henan University of Science and Technology, and develop a number of major technologies equipment, break through a number of core key technologies, cultivate a number of excellent scientific research and technical teams, and form a complete set of development technology systems and equipment that are suitable for the geological conditions of Henan Province, which will benefit the coal-measure gas production in Henan Province. , I was really afraid that my various irresponsible and perverted behaviors today would annoy my mother, so I ignored him, but it was okay. He opened the door and walked into his mother’s room. Yehua provided technical support.

How to establish a diversified investment mechanism? Yang Xiaolin proposed that, focusing on the development goals of the coal-measure gas industry in Henan Province, coal-measure gas extraction and utilization in coal mining areas should take coal enterprises as the main investment entities, and implement the ” According to the “Opinions of the People’s Government of Henan Province on Further Strengthening the Prevention, Control and Utilization of Coal Mine Gas”, coal enterprises shall fully withdraw 10 yuan/ton of surface coalbed methane extraction and utilization fees, of which 4 yuan will be used for technological breakthroughs and 6 yuan will be used for industrial development. Guide and encourage coal enterprises to establish a benefit-sharing mechanism with outstanding coalbed methane enterprises inside and outside the province, quickly build production capacity, and take the lead in realizing large-scale development and utilization.

In In terms of improving the incentive and restraint mechanisms, Yang Xiaolin proposed, “Formulate an implementation plan for the industrialization development of coal-based gas in Henan Province, establish a supervision, assessment and evaluation mechanism, clarify the time nodes and responsibilities of all parties, and the coal-based gas industrialization leading group will work with relevant departments and Unit, supervise and urge the entire process of plan implementation, capital investment, production capacity construction, etc., and conduct strict supervision and assessment of each responsible entity.