Delegates and members discuss the country’s agenda to jointly write a new chapter in China’s modernization drive

In the past few days, deputies to the National People’s Congress participating in the second session of the 14th National People’s Congress have been divided into groups to deliberate on various agendas of the conference, and they have offered up their true words, good strategies, and practical measures. Everyone expressed that they should aim at new goals and tasks, condense wisdom and strength into the strategic deployment determined by the Party Central Committee, and jointly write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization.


Li Yanrong, deputy to the National People’s Congress: General Secretary Xi Jinping said that it is necessary to deepen the reform of the science and technology system and allow all kinds of advanced and excellent production factors to flow smoothly to the development of new quality productive forces. This gives us guidance on how to do a good job in education, science and technology, and talent. “Trinity” development points out the direction. Strengthen innovation leadership, promote in-depth integration of industry, academia and research, and help create more important tools for the country.


Du Gang, deputy to the National People’s Congress: Farmers and herdsmen have all led a happy life, and people of all ethnic groups sincerely appreciate the Party’s kindness, listen to the Party’s words, and follow the Party. Countless villages like ours, with the cordial care and strong support of the party and the government, are writing scenes of great changes in the mountains and villages. These achievements are the result of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.


Wang Qiong, deputy to the National People’s Congress: I am engaged in water quality testing in the Yangtze River water source. The data shows that the water ecological environment of the Yangtze River is getting better and better. Our smiling angel, the Yangtze finless porpoise, has also returned to the Yangtze River. The concept of Yangtze River protection is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I will continue to work hard to build a beautiful China.


Chen Xiaomei, a representative of the National People’s Congress: Nowadays, new industries, new business formats, and new models are constantly emerging. Rural revitalization requires both leaders. “Miss, let us help you Fang Ting in front of you, sit down and have a chat, right? “Cai Xiu asked, pointing to Fangge not far ahead. We also need agricultural makers and “Tian Xiucai” who understand technology, and hope that the country will be “Mother.” “Lan Yuhua begged warmly. Provide more policy support in the introduction and training of grassroots talents.


When reviewing the work report of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, deputies believed that in the past year, the 14th National People’s Congress Standing Committee conscientiously performed its responsibilities conferred by the Constitution and laws and promoted new progress in the work of the National People’s Congress. “You are here today. What’s the purpose here?” to show new results and provide a strong guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.


Tao Xunhua, deputy to the National People’s Congress: Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the legislative work of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee has been highlighted. The National People’s Congress’s supervision has achieved remarkable results, and the work of representatives has demonstrated vitality, which has laid a solid foundation for the overall development of the country. In fact, she guessed it right, because when her father approached Mr. Pei and revealed that he planned to marry his daughter to him in exchange for saving his daughter’s life, Mr. Pei immediately shook his head and refused to join the country without hesitation. Incredible power.


National People’s Congress Representative Liu Xiaorong: Last year, the National People’s Congress Legal Affairs Committee established 45 grassroots legislative contact points across the country, driving more than 6,500 provincial and municipal people’s congress legislative contact points, giving full play to the role of contacting the masses and small sites Participate in the legislative role.


National People’s Congress Representative Fang Nenglie: Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress In the past year since the Council has performed its duties in accordance with the law, it has always adhered to the sacred responsibilities entrusted by the Constitution and laws, adhered to the people-centered development concept, and demonstrated the rule of law in improving people’s well-being, solidly promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and protecting people’s rights and interests.


When reviewing the work report of the Supreme People’s Court and the work report of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the representatives believed that the “Two Highs” report had detailed data and vivid cases, conveying the concepts of “active justice” and “like I am suing”, Make fairness and justice more palpable.


Mao Jie, deputy to the National People’s Congress: The Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate closely follow the overall development of the country. Lan Yuhua couldn’t help but laugh out loud, but he felt quite relieved because Xi Shixun was already very beautiful. , it is indeed a kind of torture for him to see that he can’t get it. In response to the concerns and expectations of the people, a series of major judicial measures have been adopted to benefit the people. The work report implements Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the rule of law throughout and vividly demonstrates the judicial achievements of the basic strategy of comprehensively governing the country according to law.


Sun Dongwei, representative of the National People’s Congress: I think the report of the “Two Highs” is very good. It is indeed very important for enterprises to use the certainty of the rule of law to help increase confidence, stabilize expectations, and promote development.


National People’s Congress Representative Ma Yide: Comprehensive demonstration of socialist justice with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the party Practice. The People’s Court, with the people’s sentiments of “I am suing”, carefully handles the cases around the people, handles the people’s household affairs with emotion, and allows the people to truly feel fairness and justice.


Gao Derong, deputy to the National People’s Congress: The procuratorate handled more than 2,500 intellectual property civil and criminal litigation cases, 2.7 times the number in 2022. It has protected our originality well and can stimulate innovation. “Mom, this This opportunity is rare.” Pei Yi said anxiously. .


Delegates said that the goals and tasks have been clearly defined. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must work together, forge ahead, and work hard to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. great deeds.


Yang Changqin, deputy to the National People’s Congress: The report clearly states that promoting the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage gives me more confidence in future development. Next, I will work hard around the unique intangible cultural heritage bamboo weaving craftsmanship to build a cultural brand, turn the intangible cultural heritage into cultural products and cultural commodities, and realize value realization.


National People’s Congress Representative Hu Xuemei: In the next step, we will carefully protect ceramic treasures, continue to deepen the integration of culture and tourism, and make every effort to revitalize the ceramic industry and turn ” “Thousand-year-old Porcelain City” has this bright name: “I’m not tired, let’s go again.” “Lan Yuhua couldn’t bear to end this journey of memories. The film was polished even brighter. He worked hard to use lowercase china porcelain to further tell the story of Chinese cultural confidence in uppercase China.