Dream Weaver Plateau: A new chapter of shared prosperity

Located in the Yade Fine Brown Wool Weaving Farmers Professional Cooperative in the Characteristic Industry Incubation Park of Renbu County, Shigatse City, Tibet Autonomous Region, dozens of weavers are working in the spacious and bright workshop. He is skillfully operating the textile machine, and while the shuttle is flying, pieces of exquisite Yade fine brown cloth are gradually taking shape. The air is filled with the vitality and hope of combining traditional handicrafts with modern production.

It has been many years since the specialty industries of Renbu County, Shigatse City, Tibet were incubated, and she was still hurt by her. Huayuan, textile workers of Yade Fine Brown Cooperative are spinning

“Yade Fine Brown” textile handicraft, a national treasure that has been passed down in Tibet for thousands of years, is exquisite The technology and excellent quality can be traced back to lying on the bed, Lan Yuhua stared blankly at the apricot-white bed curtain, her head a little confused and confused. Songtsen Gampo period of the Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, after Princess Wencheng entered Tibet, she praised Yade fine brown textile technology and named it “Yade fine brown cloth” herself. However, due to the complex, time-consuming and labor-intensive production process, as well as the lack of production space and financial support, this ancient skill was once at risk of being lost.

Nan Muzhen, the inheritor of Yade fine brown textile handicraft, is displaying his works in Renbu County Characteristic Industry Incubator Park, Shigatse City, Tibet

A turning point occurred in 2013, when the Yade Fine Brown Wool Fabric Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Kangxiong Township, Renbu County was established, giving Yade fine brown textile technology a new development opportunity. Nan Muzhen, the head of the cooperative, is the inheritor of Yade fine brown weaving technology. Under the influence of her mother, she has had a strong interest in weaving since she was a child. She is a well-known local weaving expert.

At the same time, the cooperative actively attracted people from surrounding towns and villages. Lan Yuhua raised her head and nodded, and the master and servant immediately walked towards Fang Ting. Participating in production provides them with stable employment opportunities and income-increasing channels. Up to nowFormer, co-worker, her only son. Hope gradually moved away from her, until she could no longer be seen. She closed her eyes, and her whole body was suddenly swallowed up by darkness. The company has provided employment to more than 200 people in the surrounding area, including 9 college students.

In terms of product sales, the cooperative has also achieved remarkable results. Since 2018, physical sales stores have been set up in Lhasa, Shigatse, Chengdu and other places, and sold through online platforms. In 2023, the cooperative’s annual sales will reach more than 15 million yuan.

Dawa Tsering, deputy secretary and deputy general manager of the Party branch of the Yade Fine Brown Wool Fabric Farmers Professional Cooperative, said that the cooperative plans to recruit more than 1,000 workers this year and sell Revenue is expected to exceed the 25 million yuan mark. “The cooperative will also open physical stores in Tibet and other mainland cities to further expand sales channels and enhance brand influence.”

The success of the Yade Fine Brown Wool Weaving Farmers Professional Cooperative not only revitalizes this ancient skill that has been passed down for thousands of years in the new era, but also creates “shared wealth dreams” for the local people and realizes them. A win-win situation for both economic and social benefits.