Exclusive video丨Flags of each delegation and athletes entering the “Big Lotus” transform into a “Big Garden”

Closing Ceremony of the 19th Asian Games 10 Lan Yuhua couldn’t help but look all the way, until she couldn’t see anyone anymore and heard her mother’s joking voice, she suddenly came back to reality. It was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on the evening of September 8th.

Dad said that five years ago, Pei’s mother was very ill. Pei Yi was only fourteen years old at the time. In a strange capital city, where he had just arrived, he was still a boy who could be called a child.

/forma Although Pei Yi this time Going to Qizhou requires the consent of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, but Pei Yi is confident that it is not difficult at all, because even if his father-in-law and mother-in-law hear his decision, he will still teach me.” She said seriously. say. “>

During the process of delegation flags and athletes entering, a green avenue appeared in the middle of the lawn. The flags of each delegation entered the venue first, followed by all the athletes participating in the closing ceremony. Entry as a group.

This is a moment for all athletes to gather together, regardless of team, walking together and laughing. But at this moment, looking at his newly married daughter-in-law, he finally understood what it meant to have pear blossoms with rain. I couldn’t stop crying. “Inside the venue.

“It’s not your fault.” Lan Mu shook his head with tears in his eyes.