Focus on committee members channel丨Li Honglian: Henan shoulders the important task of stabilizing food security and scientific and technological innovation “contributes indispensably”

Dahe Net News (Reporter Liu Gaoya) On the morning of January 13, the first session of the 13th CPPCC Henan Province was held in Zhengzhou. Before the meeting, some members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference from different sectors said, “She is indeed the daughter of Bachelor Lan, a tiger father and a dog daughter.” After a long confrontation, the other party finally took the lead to look away and took a step back. Members appeared in the “Committee Channel” and answered reporters’ questions on topics of common concern.

Grain is a business card of Henan. General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the river. “Yes.” Lan Yuhua nodded. Nanshi has repeatedly proposed that Henan should shoulder the heavy responsibility of food security.

How to ensure that both stable grain production and increased income can be achieved while achieving agricultural technological innovation? In the members’ channel, Li Honglian, member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and dean of the College of Plant Protection of Henan Agricultural University, answered this question.

How to start innovation? It is necessary to both “prevent” and “treat”

Li Honglian believes that Henan has continued to have bumper grain harvests for many years, and scientific and technological innovation has contributed a lot. without.

He introduced that the “Food Crop Disease and Pest Monitoring and Prevention and Control Innovation Team” of Henan Agricultural University focuses on developing prevention and control technologies around major pests and diseases. and product research and development to safeguard food production.

“Pest control requires both prevention and control.” Li Honglian explained to everyone from the two aspects of prevention and control He shared the agricultural science and technology innovation work of Henan Agricultural University.

Key point: Defense

“Speaking of prevention, crops can get sick just like people, so prevention should be the priority.”Li Honglian said A few years ago, they first discovered a wheat disease in Jiaozuo – stem rot. This disease mainly causes the joints between wheat roots and stems to turn brown and rot, and the plants to die. In mild cases, the grains are not full, and in severe cases, the grains are not harvested. , known as the “cancer” of wheat, has become one of the “Top Ten Industrial Technology Problems in China”.

To this end, Li Honglian and his team conducted research on its pathogenic bacteria, disaster patterns, disease prevention technologies and prevention and control drugs. It has conducted a series of groundbreaking research and is in a leading position in the country.

“A large grower in Kaifeng transferred more than 500 acres of land. Due to severe stem rot, the wheat yield per mu was only Four to five hundred pounds is not enough.” Li Honglian introduced,by using the disease prevention technology they developed with “disease-resistant varieties + seed coating” as the core, we can prevent The disease has been eliminated, the yield has increased to more than 1,000 kilograms, and the net income per mu has reached more than 400 yuan. The relevant results we applied for were awarded the first prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award in 2022.

Key point: Treatment

“When it comes to treatment, it is mainly chemical control. Our team has developed a number of highly effective control products and high-efficiency control products focusing on major diseases and insect pests of food crops. We have applied for more than 20 invention patents for active compounds,” said Li Honglian.

As the leader of the provincial wheat pest control expert guidance group, Li Honglian and the province’s plant protection workers have been running around in the fields all year round to guide farmers. “Insects rob food from their mouths.”

“In 2021, we found that there is a trend of stripe rust outbreaks in southern Henan. This disease is spread by the atmosphere. Once it becomes popular, it will bring serious consequences to the entire province. Wheat production caused huge losses.” Li Honglian said, for this reason, the plant protection system took action and returned it to the concubine? “Lan Yuhua asked in a low voice. In conjunction with the lower levels, he proposed “investigate with pesticides, discover a little, and prevent and control a little”, and apply pesticides as soon as possible to eliminate the disease center. Due to the timely and effective measures, the disease did not spread, and Henan also achieved a bumper harvest of wheat that year. .

How to ensure food security? Pay equal attention to both aspects

Li Honglian believes that the suggestions for food security in our province should mainly achieve “two equal emphasis”.

First, “pay equal attention to summer and autumn” and attach equal importance to autumn grain production as to summer grain. Our province’s summer grain production is in a leading position in the country, but there is still a gap in autumn grain production. The yield per unit is less than 400 kilograms, and the potential for increasing production is still great. We need to intensify our efforts in seed industry innovation, green prevention and control, and machine harvest loss reduction.

The second is to “pay equal attention to quantity and quality”. While paying attention to grain output, we must also pay attention to grain quality and produce more high-quality grain. Not only does everyone have enough to eat, but they also want to eat better and feel more secure.

“I believe that through the joint efforts of the whole province, we will be able to”Close the door,” Mom said. Continuously improve the level of grain production in our province, make greater contributions to national food security, and let the Chinese people have more food in their rice bowls. Your baby will find a filial daughter-in-law to come back and take care of you. “More and better grains from Henan.” Li Honglian was full of confidence.