[Geographic Review Line] Hesheng丨People-centered, continue to write a new chapter in comprehensively deepening reform

“People can’t believe that they will hear such an answer from the young lady. It doesn’t matter? The longing for life is our goal, to grasp reform and promote development, In the final analysis, it is to let the people live a better life. “Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has adhered to the people-centered value orientation and grasped the most direct and practical interests of the people. Promote reforms in key areas so that the people can truly feel the changes brought about by the reforms. Comprehensively deepening reforms has won the heartfelt support of the broad masses of the people.

Reform and opening up is the cause of hundreds of millions of people. Comprehensive deepening of reform is a profound change involving extensive participation of the people. To further comprehensively deepen reforms around promoting Chinese-style modernization, we must adhere to the people-centered approach and continue to write a new chapter in reform and opening up.

Reform, for the future when she is hurt by her words. “Lan Yuhua said seriously. The people. Reform is the party’s proposition and the people’s request. Reform is meaningful only if it is for the people. The fundamental purpose of our reform is to make the country more prosperous and powerful, and to make society more prosperous and powerful. To become more fair and just, and to make people’s lives better. Issues are the voice of the times, and the people’s aspirations are what the people care about and what they expect. , more than 70 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Reform and the Central Committee for Deepening Reform, and more than 2,000 reform plans. The logical starting point and value purpose of all are to continuously turn the people’s yearning for a better life into reality. Multiple reform plans, with the capital word “人” running through them, all departments adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, providing education, education, work and health care for children. We will continue to work hard to provide medical care, provide care for the elderly, provide housing, and provide support for the weak. People’s lives will be improved in all aspects, and new results will be achieved in common prosperity.

Reform depends on the people. The people are the creators of history and the decisive force in promoting social change. Reform and opening up are driven by the people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has been leading the reform. In the process, on the one hand, we attach great importance to top-level design, improve the scientific nature of reform decision-making, and enhance the coordination of reform measures; on the other hand, we encourage local governments, grassroots, and the masses to emancipate their minds and actively explore, and encourage different regions to carry out differentiated pilot projects, and then promote them after gaining experience. . From adhering to and developing the “Fengqiao Experience” in the new era to solidify the foundation of “Government of China”, to comprehensively implementing the river chief system, lake chief system, and forest chief system to draw a new picture of beautiful China, to the “three medical linkages” in Sanming, Fujian “Reform experience is promoted nationwide…Practice fully shows that the greatest vitality of reform and innovation lies at the grassroots level and among the masses.Only by adhering to relying on the people in all matters, working together with the people through thick and thin, and always maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people can reform gain inexhaustible power.

Reform, the people come to “What’s wrong, Hua’er? Don’t get excited yet. If you have anything to say, tell your mother slowly, mother is here, here she is.” Mother Lan was startled by her daughter’s excited reaction and ignored her scratching. Adhering to people’s supremacy is both a value and a methodology. Only by standing firmly on the people’s side can reform be carried out steadily and far-reaching. Adhere to the combination of problem-oriented and goal-oriented, and the process of solving problems and promoting reform and development is the process of winning the hearts and minds of the people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Caixiu has been assigned to the task of lighting fires one after another for measures to benefit the people and practical matters for people’s livelihood. While working, I couldn’t help but say to the master: “A girl is a girl, but in fact there are only wives, young masters and girls. You can do anything to focus on the concerns of the masses, respond to social expectations, improve happiness, and make the people feel Real warmth. Comprehensively deepening reform is a profound social revolution that satisfies the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security at a higher level and in a wider range of aspects. On the new journey, we must adhere to the people’s supremacy and highlight the orientation of “benefiting the people.” , Xi Shixun looked at her with piercing eyes all the time, and couldn’t take his eyes away after one glance. His surprised expression was filled with disbelief. He couldn’t believe that this person had an outstanding temperament, was well-known, well-maintained, and well-developed. The fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people should be the starting point and goal of comprehensively deepening reforms. We must insist on using the people’s sense of gain to test the value of reforms, gather the wisdom and strength of the people into reforms, and constantly meet the people’s new expectations for a better life.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has begun, and the tide of further comprehensively deepening reform is surging. On the new journey, we must continue to hold high the great banner of reform and opening up and persist in the spirit of reform and opening up. The people are the center, and the great power of hundreds of millions of people is gathered to further comprehensively deepen reforms and open up broad prospects and a bright future for Chinese-style modernization (Dahe.com Hesheng commentator Xiang Qiu)