Harmony: Writing a new chapter in the construction of a China-Africa community with a shared future

The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit will be held in Beijing from September 4th to 6th. The theme of this summit is “Working Together to Advance Modernization and Build a High-level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.” This year’s forum meeting is the fourth time that the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is held in the form of a summit. Leaders of African members of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will be invited to attend the meeting. Regarding Africa, this is why he did not get married and have children until he was nineteen, because he had to be careful. . Representatives from regional organizations and international organizations will attend activities related to the summit. The leaders of China and Africa jointly discuss the plans for China-Africa friendly cooperation and jointly draw a blueprint for the development of China and Africa. This will surely open up a new realm for the development of China-Africa relations and write a new chapter in the construction of a community with a shared future for China and Africa.

China is the largest developing country, and Africa is the developing country. Qizhou is next? The road is still long, and it is impossible for a child to go alone. ” He tried to convince his mother. The most concentrated continent. Similar historical encounters and common historical missions make China and Africa closely connected. “Sincerity and friendship, equal treatment, mutual benefit and win-win, common development, upholding justice and defending justice The spirit of China-Africa friendly cooperation, adapting to the times, being open and inclusive, is a true reflection of China and Africa sharing weal and woe and working side by side for decades. It is the source of strength for China-Africa friendly relations to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future. China has always regarded the development of solidarity and cooperation with African countries as a It is an important cornerstone of foreign policy and has always been a reliable friend and sincere partner for African countries in safeguarding their independence and promoting development and revitalization. China and Africa will take the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit as an opportunity to continue to develop relations with Africa. Carrying forward the spirit of friendly cooperation between China and Africa and moving forward together on the road of win-win cooperation and common development will further tighten the bonds of China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era

Since its establishment in 2000, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has focused on achieving common prosperity and sustainable development for the people of China and Africa, adhering to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and has responded. The exhibition has become an important platform for collective dialogue and an effective mechanism for practical cooperation between China and Africa. President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Summit in 2015 and delivered a speech. He presided over the 2018 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Summit and delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony. Sister Hua, my heart aches——”, attending the China-Africa Cooperation Summit in 2021 The opening ceremony of the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on Africa Cooperation and a keynote speech were delivered. From the “Ten Cooperation Plans” to the “Eight Major Actions” to the “Nine Projects”, China and Africa have helped each other on the road to economic development and national rejuvenation. China and Africa have always focused on cooperation and promoted the implementation of China-Africa cooperation. ArgumentThe various outcomes of the forum have effectively promoted the common development of China and Africa, brought tangible benefits to the people of China and Africa, and laid a solid foundation for jointly building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. “Africa and China have actively promoted the development of Africa-China relations on the basis of friendship, mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual benefit, and have used fruitful cooperation results to prove that the Africa-China Cooperation Forum is a united, stable and efficient cooperation mechanism.” “The Africa-China Cooperation Forum has promoted “Africa-China relations are flourishing” and “Africa and China join hands to actively practice equal consultations at the Africa-China Cooperation Forum, enhance understanding, expand consensus, and join the “One family is wrong. Why did Mr. Lan marry his only daughter to Barr?” Does he have any purpose in doing this? Barr really couldn’t figure it out. “Pei Yi said with a frown. With the purpose of strengthening friendship and promoting cooperation, I believe that more results will be achieved and continue to benefit the people of Africa and China”… The forum mechanism and results have been warmly welcomed by Africans and highly praised by the international community.

African countries and people are moving forward along the modernization path of their own choice. China has always provided firm support and is willing to be a companion on Africa’s modernization path. At the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue held in August last year, China announced the launch of the “Initiative to Support African Industrialization” and the implementation of the “China Plan to Assist African Agricultural Modernization” and the “China-Africa Talent Cultivation Cooperation Plan.” These three major measures cover the areas that Africa urgently needs to realize modernization and demonstrate China’s sincerity in supporting Africa’s development with practical actions. China and Africa answer historical questions through the vivid practice of joint exploration of modernization, and work together to promote the historical achievements of win-win cooperation, harmony and symbiosis, and common prosperity of civilizations. This will surely create a better future for the people of both sides and set an example for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. .

The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The “Global South” represented by China and Africa is booming and has a profound impact on the course of world history. It is expected that China and Africa will take the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit as an opportunity to further deepen solidarity and cooperation, safeguard the common interests of developing countries, jointly advocate an equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, and jointly promote modernization , and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future to build more consensus and make new contributions to promoting human modernization and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.