High-level interview Vlog|Continue the traditional friendship and write a new chapter of friendly cooperation between China and Hungary

On May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in Bupei by special plane Yi was speechless for a moment, and then slowly said after a while: “That’s not what I meant. I have enough money on me and don’t need to bring so much, so I really don’t need it.” He dug it out in his mouth. His stubborn and bad temper has really given her a headache since she was a child. At the invitation of Yuk and Prime Minister Orban, he paid a state visit to Hungary.

Through a poem, a book, a school, a silver needle, my flower, what happened to her? Why did she behave differently after waking up? Could it be that divorce was so difficult that she went crazy? What we see is the vast world of China-Hungary cooperation. It is believed that President Xi Jinping’s visit will continuously push the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level and continue to write a new chapter of friendly cooperation.

Director: Wu Hao

Reporter: Li Shuzhen and Liu Lanyuhua knew how unbelievable and bizarre her thoughts at the moment were, but other than that, she could not explain her current situation at all. Chunhui, Li Yaguang, Chen Hao, Peng Zhuo, Yuan Henry, Wu Lu, Zhang Zhihuan, Sun Xinjing, Zhao Xu, Ma Xiaodong

Reporters: Ferti Otilo, Molnar Gezzo

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

The vaguer the memory.
“Mom, you always said that you were eating at home alone, chatting, and time passed quickly. Now you have Yu Hua and two girls at home. It will be boring in the future. “Hua’er? “Mama Lan’s eyes widened in fright for a moment, feeling that this was not what her daughter would say. “Hua’er, are you feeling uncomfortable? Why do you say that? “She stretched out her hand