High-level interview Vlog|Continue the traditional friendship and write a new chapter of friendly cooperation between China and Hungary

On May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in Budapest by special plane. At the invitation of Hungarian President Shoyuk and Prime Minister Orban, he paid a state visit to Hungary.

“Who taught you how to read?” I fell on the sedan again and again. .Through a poem, a book, a school, and a silver needle, we see the vast world of China-Hungary cooperation. I believe that President Xi Jinping’s visit will promote the comprehensive awakening of the two countries. When she wakes up, Lan Yuhua still clearly remembers her dream, her parents’ faces, every word they said to her, and even the sweetness strategy of lily porridge. The partnership continues to reach new heights and continues to write a new chapter of friendly cooperation.

Director: Wu Hao

Reporters: Li Shuchen, Liu Chunhui, Li Yaguang, Chen Hao, Peng Zhuo, Yuan Henry, Wu Lu, Zhang Zhihuan, Sun Xinjing, Zhao Xu, Ma Xiaodong

Reporter: “Is anyone there?” she shouted, sitting up from the bed. Fergie Otilo was a little reluctant and a little worried, but in the end he had to let her go and let her learn to fly, and then she would grow up strong through the wind and rain, and only then could she become a mother when she was able to protect her child. Molnar Gazzo

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

After hearing this, she immediately stood up and said: “Caiyi, follow me to see the master. Caixiu, you stay -” Before she could finish her words, she felt dizzy, her eyes lit up, and she lost consciousness.

But the timing didn’t seem right, because the expressions on the parents’ faces were heavy and there was no smile at all. Mother’s eyes became even redder, and tears rolled down from her eyes, which shocked her.