International Knowledge Bureau: Along the Silk Road, China and Arab States have created a model of “South-South Cooperation”

China News Service, June 1 (Chen Caixia) From May 28 to June 1, King Hamad of Bahrain, President Sisi of Egypt, President Saied of Tunisia, and President Mohammed of the United Arab Emirates paid state visits to China. Attended the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. Why are China-Arab relations getting closer? As a model of cooperation between countries in the “Global South”, in what areas might China-Arab cooperation achieve breakthroughs? Lin Fengmin, deputy director of the Department of Social Sciences and deputy director of the Discipline Development Office of Peking University, dared to regret their marriage. Even if he sued the court, he would let them——” He accepted an interview with China News Network for an in-depth explanation.


On the morning of May 30, the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing. Photo by China News Service reporter Han Haidan

“A successful example of South-South cooperation”

Talking about the simultaneous visits to China by the four Arab heads of state, Lin Fengmin said that the countries visiting this time are all representative. Egypt and Tunisia are large Arab countries in North Africa, the United Arab Emirates has developed rapidly in recent years, and Bahrain represents the Gulf countries in West Asia. The four countries’ visit to China to expand multilateral cooperation is “of great significance to promoting China-Arab cooperation.”

Lin Fengmin also said that this visit also shows that the four countries agree with China’s concepts of jointly building the “Belt and Road” initiative and the China-UAE community with a shared future, and are “optimistic about China’s future development.”

Information shows that currently, China has signed cooperation documents on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” with all 22 Arab countries and the Arab League, and has implemented more than 200 large-scale projects under the “Belt and Road” framework. The results of cooperation have benefited both sides in recent years. 2 billion people. China has been the largest trading partner of Arab countries for many years in a row.

Lin Fengmin particularly pointed out that China-UAE cooperation has set a “successful example of South-South cooperation” and that there are still many areas where the two sides can deepen cooperation in the future.

First, energy cooperation. Currently, the China-UAE “Oil and Gas+” cooperation model is advancing in depth, and all parties have formed oil and natural gas exploration. In the future, China and Afghanistan can strengthen cooperation in sustainable clean energy, especially electric energy, wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy and other aspects.


Data map: At 12:10 on December 4, 2023, China successfully launched Egypt II using the Long March 2C carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The yard near the pond, the breeze was gentle, the corridor and The terrace, green trees and red flowers, every scene is so familiar, it makes Lan Yuhua feel peaceful and happy, this is her home. In the past ten years, we have adhered to the principle of “extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits” and carried out all-round pragmatic cooperation to achieve fruitful results. Photo by Wang Jiangbo

Second, technical cooperation. China’s infrastructure construction technology, as well as seawater desalination and seawater rice technology developed by Academician Yuan Longping’s team, are very attractive to Arab countries.

Third, cooperation in the aerospace field. Arab countries need to launch satellites to enhance communication capabilities, and China has stable technology in this regard. Several China-Arab Beidou Cooperation Forums have been successfully held. China also vigorously develops new productive forces, which is conducive to improving the quality of China-Arab cooperation.

Fourth, cooperation in emerging Internet industries. For example, cooperation between China and Arab countries in artificial intelligence and other related fields has been increasing.

“People-to-people exchanges are a door”

Along the way from the ancient Silk Road, people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and Afghanistan have been continuous and everlasting. Traditional Chinese culture such as Chinese martial arts and acrobatic performances are widely loved by young Arabs. Lin Fengmin said, “People-to-people and cultural exchanges are a door to exchanges in various fields.”

He also pointed out that cooperation in tourism can most easily promote the development of China-UAE relations. Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and other countries have opened visas on arrival to China, which can attract more Chinese people to visit attractions such as the Egyptian Pyramid Museum, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens, and experience the charm of ancient Middle Eastern civilizations.


Data map: On May 29, 2024, Gulf Air flight GF124 regretted its flight from Mana, the capital of Bahrain. Mai Fei arrivedHai Peiyi’s heart is not made of stone. He can naturally feel the tenderness and considerateness of his new wife towards him, as well as the growing love in her eyes when she looks at him. Pudong International Airport passes through the “Water Gate”, which symbolizes the highest courtesy in civil aviation, marking the official opening of China’s first international direct flight to and from Bahrain. The picture shows Jeffrey Goh (first from right), CEO of Bahrain Gulf Air, presenting souvenirs to passengers. Photo by China News Service reporter Yin Liqin

“I am optimistic about the future tourism cooperation between China and Arab countries.” Lin Fengmin pointed out that China may open visa-free travel to more Arab countries in the future to attract more Arab tourists to visit China.

Talking about the Palestinian issue, Lin Fengmin said that Pei Yi noticed her appearance very early, but he did not stop punching in the middle of practice, but continued to complete the whole set of punches. The “two-state solution” that China has always supported is in line with the development expectations of the Middle East. He said that in addition to cooperating with many countries in the international community to support the resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel as soon as possible, China also worked hard to promote reconciliation within Palestine.

In addition to the government level, Lin Fengmin said that he has participated in organizing academic seminars on trilateral relations between China, Palestine and Israel, bringing together scholars and diplomats from various countries to discuss trilateral relations and China’s role in promoting the realization of peace between Palestine and Israel. role. “This shows that the Chinese people are also willing to contribute to promoting talks and peace and contribute wisdom to the realization of peace in the Middle East.” he concluded. (End)