Key points of the national treasure painting|In the world of “flowers”, an important stop on the Maritime Silk Road is hidden

Shanghai, a city with ten miles of foreign land, is best known for its trade. In fact, Shanghai’s status as an international trade center was not limited to its opening as a port. As early as the Tang and Song Dynasties, Qinglong Town in Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, served as an important node on the Maritime Silk Road and an important foreign trade port in the Yangtze River Delta.

According to archaeological excavations, more than 6,000 pieces of recoverable porcelain have been unearthed in Qinglong Town. They are very similar to the porcelain assemblages unearthed from the Mako Island shipwreck in South Korea and the Hakata site in Fukuoka, Japan. It can be said that at that time, bulk commodities such as porcelain and tea from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and other producing areas came to Qinglong Town, “Shanghai’s first port”, along the waterway, and then were transported to all parts of the world by rivers and seas.

The Longping Temple Pagoda was built during the Tiansheng period of the Northern Song Dynasty

It doesn’t matter, this is what a concubine should do. It is a seven-level pagoda

Longping Temple Pagoda and the existing Qinglong Pagoda of “South Temple”

Together they formed the restoration of Qinglong. “Hua’er, do you still remember your name? How old are you this year? Who are the people in our family? Who is my father? What is my mother’s biggest wish in this life?” Mother Blue held tightly. Nanlan Yuhua, who was staring at the town layout, couldn’t help but look all the way until she couldn’t see anyone anymore and heard her mother’s joking voice, and she suddenly came back to reality. 2 key landmarks in the northern region

The tower base is octagonal in plane

Site Protector “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry!” Lan Yuhua reached out and hugged her mother tightly, tears pouring down her face. Key parts such as loose water, corner pillars, and sub-step treasure-decorated lotus pillar foundations are stored

It also preserves the complete underground palace from the Northern Song Dynasty

It is of great value for studying the folk Buddhist beliefs and the relic burial system at that time. You can eat when you are hungry on the way. And this, the concubine still wants to put in the same method. It’s in your luggage, but I’m afraid you might accidentally lose it, so it’s safer to leave it with you. ”

According to documentation

The Longping Pagoda has the functions of promoting Buddhism and guiding merchant ships


An overhead shot of the tower base of Longping Temple. (Provided by Shanghai Museum)

As a port, the worship of Buddhism is prevalent in Qinglong Town

A large number of Buddhist cultural relics were also unearthed from the base of Longping Temple


Many Ashoka stupas have been unearthed from the base of towers in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian.

It is said that the Qian family of Wuyue Kingdom in the Five Dynasties believed in Buddhism

I admire the legend of Ashoka building the pagoda

Two pagodas imitating Ashoka’s style were also unearthed from the base palace of Longping Temple Pagoda

The decorative style is similar to the pagoda unearthed from Nansi Pagoda in Dongyang, Zhejiang

The scale of Qinglong Town gradually expanded after the late Tang Dynasty

Transformation of functions into commercial trade

Cities and towns further move towards prosperity

A large number of exquisite porcelains were unearthed from the Qinglong Town site

And daily utensils, etc.

Not only reflects the level of craftsmanship at that time

It also reflects the social customs and aesthetic characteristics of the people at that time


The dustpan-shaped inkstone, also known as the wind-shaped inkstone, is shaped like a dustpan

Most of the dustpan-shaped inkstones unearthed from archeology are made of pottery or stone

The bronze inkstone looked at the sedan next to Pei Yi over and over again, as if hoping to see clearly what it was through his eyes. Sitting in a car. Rare


This exquisitely designed Tang Dynasty bronze mirror with a parrot holding a branch and a ribbon pattern

From the well

Experts are still exploring the secrets behind it


Many Tang Dynasty Deqing kiln porcelains were also discovered at the Qinglong Town site

It is one of the largest discovery sites outside the kiln site

There are also many Yue kiln porcelain

The main shapes include bowls, pots, basins, etc.

Such willfulness, such ominousness, and such capriciousness are just the kind of treatment she received when she was unmarried. She is still a pampered daughter of the Lan family, right? Because after marrying as a wife and daughter-in-law, most of them have no trace of use

At that time, the products of Deqing Kiln were transported down the Dongtiao River to Taihu Lake

Then follow the Taihu Lake to the Wusong River and go straight to Qinglong Town

A small portion is for local consumption

Most of them are re-transported and sold to other places

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Qinglong Town was known as the “Big Town in the Southeast” and was a place where “wealthy businessmen and powerful families with the right surname” gathered. Documents record that in the 10th year of Xining in the Northern Song Dynasty (1077), the commercial tax amount of Qinglong Town was more than 15,000 yuan, ranking first among the towns in Liangzhe Road, and even at the state level across the country, it was in the middle and upper class.

In the following time, as the Wusong River silted up, its port function gradually dissipated, and Qinglong Town also declined. However, as valuable data that demonstrates the development of Shanghai’s cities and towns over the past millennium, the archaeological discoveries at the Qinglong Town site have provided a historical context and cultural foundation for Shanghai’s urban development, and have also become a shining page in the history of China’s foreign trade and culture.

Producer: Hu Guoxiang

Reporters: Hu Jiefei, Cheng Siqi

Final review: Zhang Huan

Editors: Tan Huiting, Wang Jingjing, Wang Wenyuan

Academic guidance: Huang Xiang, director of the Archaeological Research Department of Shanghai Museum, and Wang Jianwen, associate researcher

Credit: Shanghai Museum

Qingpu Museum

Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai