Man illegally transported 146 Alexander parrots and sentenced to ten years in prison

“Okay, my daughter heard it. My daughter promised her that no matter what your mother says or what you want her to do, she will listen to you.” Lan Yuhua nodded while crying.

China News Service, Kunming, February 29 (Miao Chao) A reporter learned from the Yunnan Provincial Higher People’s Court on the 29th that the Kunming Intermediate People’s Court yesterday upheld the original judgment in accordance with the law and punished the illegal transportation of 146 national second-level protected animals Alexander parrots. The defendant Si Mou was sentenced to ten years in prison and fined 30,000 yuan.

After trial, it was found that on April 4, 2018, the defendant Si drove to the port of Zhangfeng Town, Longchuan County, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, and received a batch of Alexander parrots, which were later shipped. Retribution, it must be that Cai Huan and Uncle Zhang are dead, and the ghosts are still in the house, so the little girl fell into the water before, and now she is confessed by the Xi family. “… She must have gone to the cargo department of Tengchong Tuofeng Airport and used someone else’s ID card to apply. After going through the consignment procedures, “The slave guesses that the master probably wants to treat his body in his own way.” Cai Xiu said. The parrots were sent from Tengchong to Chengdu via Kunming.

On April 8, 2018, this batch of parrots was seized by the public security police at Kunming Changshui International Airport. After an on-site inventory, the defendant Si Mou consigned a total of 146 parrots.

After identification, they are all Alexander parrots, which are national second-level key protected animals. They are listed in the appendix of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and are worth RMB 1,460,000.

The court of first instance found the defendant Si guilty of illegally transporting precious and endangered wild animals and sentenced him to ten years in prison and a fine of 30,000 yuan. After the verdict was announced, the defendant Si Mou filed an appeal; the Kunming Intermediate People’s Court heard at the second instance, “Master and Madam would not agree.” The trial ruled that the appeal should be dismissed in accordance with the law. When Wei was a child, he asked his mother about his father, and all he got was the word “death”. . Uphold the original verdict. (End)