Meet丨Chinese “low-carbon” silk emerges from the French fashion industry—Nampton silk fashion designer Liang Zi

<iframe class="dhVideo" width="100%" height="460" src=" January 1964 Noon on the 27th France and France issued a joint communique announcing to the world the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. France became the first Western power to establish diplomatic relations with China. This historical event aroused strong international public opinion at the time and was called "a sudden diplomatic nuclear explosion" by the West.

Today, 60 years later, the heads of state of China and France agreed to take the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France as an opportunity to keep integrity and innovate, build on the past and forge ahead into the future, and make the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership stronger and more dynamic. Facing the international situation intertwined with events, as ancient countries with splendid civilizations, China and France will work together to promote mutual respect and tolerance among cultures and civilizations and sow the seeds of peace in the hearts of people around the world.

On the occasion of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, CGTN Europe launched the integrated media series “Meet France” to tell the story of outstanding achievements in the development of bilateral relations between China and France. “Hasn’t my mother’s illness been cured?” Besides, how can it be hurtful if you just add a few words?” Mother Pei smiled, shook her son, and shook her head. Stories of people who made contributions. In this issue, you will “meet” Liang Zi, a fashionable and environmentally friendly designer of neem silk.


 △ Chinese environmentally friendly fashion designer Liang Zi

From Guangdong, China to Paris, France, Chinese environmentally friendly fashion designer Liang Zi has brought the Chinese fashion treasure “Nampton silk” to the fashion capital of the world.

However, even for many Chinese people, the name “Nampix Silk” may be a bit unfamiliar. This silk production process has a long history in China, is natural and pollution-free, and is listed on the national intangible cultural heritage list – commonly known as “soft gold”.

“Why is it called soft gold? FirstFirst of all, this is 100% silk. The production process of silk is very long, it is very natural, and it is also very difficult to make. Dyeing it is a purely natural process. We have to go to the mountains of Guangdong and Guangxi to collect wild Dioscorea spp., spend ten days or more soaking the fabric in Dioscorea spp. juice for more than 30 times, and then put the fabric once Spread it on the grass to dry in the sun again and again, absorbing the essence of yam juice again and again, and finally apply the unpolluted mud from the lotus pond on it. Liang Zi talked about the complicated production process of silk silk with great interest, “It takes two years from making silk to designing.” Do you think she is not soft gold? ”

According to records, Shunde, Guangdong Province began producing and exporting hyacinth silk in the early 15th century. Production reached its peak in Guangdong in the early 20th century and was sold to Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other places. Later, with the popularity of chemical fiber cotton fabrics, the sales of hyacinth silk declined due to its complicated production process and gradually faded out of the stage of history.


 △ Liang Zi is drying nectar in Shunde, Guangdong

Liang Zi “first encountered” nonice silk in 1995 and fell in love with its appearance, texture and green and environmentally friendly concept at first sight, and was determined to let the world know about nonice silk again. Liang Zi recalled, “There was a supplier who knew us very well. He knew that we liked natural materials very much. He had a small batch of bits and pieces of fennel silk that had been stored for many years, so he gave it to us for design. At that time, the fennel silk fabric was already very popular. Most of them are old and brittle. But when I saw the texture and appearance of the silk, and the feel of the silk, I fell in love with this fabric immediately.”

In 1999, Liangzi went to France to learn draping. She introduced her silk silk design to French fashion colleagues for the first time, and attracted a lot of attention. This planted a seed in her heart – one day to bring Chinese silk silk to Paris, the fashion capital of the world. “Every fashion designer has a dream, that is, to bring his own brand to Paris, and I am the same. At that time, I secretly thought, if one day the fashion we designed could be exhibited in Paris, or open a store in Paris , that would be such a happy thing!”


 △ Liang Zi in Paris in 1999Learn draping

In 2003, Liang Zi was invited to participate in the Paris Fashion Week, France, officially introducing China’s silk silk to the world’s fashion stage. After much hard work, Liang Zi finally opened the first cotton silk fashion store “House of Butterfly” in Paris in 2019. Since then, fennel silk has begun to compete with international brands in the fashion capital of the world.

In recent years, as the concept of low-carbon emission reduction has continued to attract attention from the international community, Chinese silk silk has also been able to “break out of the circle” and become a representative of “green fashion”.

“The pure natural production process and dyeing process of angustifolia silk are very impressive to professionals in the French fashion industry. Because of this, they have been studying our brand for many years and learning from our path to sustainable fashion.” Liang Zi said proudly , “Some of the very well-known international brands in Paris also hope to learn from us our 20 years of experience in sustainable fashion.”

Liang Zi believes that her silk fashion store is an image window that allows French people to truly experience Chinese culture and China’s sustainable development concept. “In fact, what often impresses people is the wife who actually hears his knock on the door, opens the door in person, and asks him warmly and thoughtfully if he has eaten? After hearing his answer, he immediately orders the maid to prepare and prepares for him at the same time. dry-cut works. Neon silk clothing is a very good carrier to show Chinese culture and Chinese design, as well as China’s original ecological and sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion concepts.” Liang Zi said, “In my major, clothing design and fashion can also be a good tool, becoming a bridge to spread Chinese culture and promote international exchanges.”