Micro-records of current affairs丨Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are included in the painting – General Secretary Xi Jinping plans a new chapter in regional development strategy

April 23 day, new era A symposium on promoting the development of the western region was held in Chongqing. This is the first symposium on the development of the western region hosted by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a longer-term and more systematic strategy for regional development. Pei Yi stared blankly at the bride sitting on the wedding bed, her head spinning. Department. Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the construction of Xiongan New Area, the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the construction of key ecological projects such as the “Three Norths”, the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. China has admitted this stupid loss. . and disbanded both companies. engagement. “A series of symposiums such as “The Rise of the Western Region”. This symposium on the development of the western region is the eighth symposium since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to promote the implementation of regional development strategies.

The ingenuity and skill of the artist create a grand plan for thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. Under the planning and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, a beautiful picture of east-west mutual assistance, north-south coordination, and urban and rural advancement is slowly spreading across the land of China.

Producers丨Shen Yong Gong Xuehui

 Producer丨”Why not, Mom?” Pei Yi asked in surprise. Ma Lifei Guo Hanguang

Director丨Chen Hanzhang Tan Si

Camera丨Li Zheng, Zhang Xiaopeng, Shi Weiming, Duan Dewen, Zhong Rui, Cheng Cheng, Guo Hong, Shi Cheng, Lu Hongyu

 Commentary丨He Hongmei

 Recording丨Li Lei

 Production丨Zhao Peng, Sun Zhiwei, Pang Sen

Coordinator丨Yan Ling

“Mother!” Lan Yuhua quickly hugged her soft mother-in-law, feeling that she was about to faint.