Ministry of Foreign Affairs: I believe the Astana Summit will gather more consensus among all parties and write a new chapter of cooperation

On July 1, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked: China announced yesterday that President Xi Jinping will go to Kazakhstan to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit. What issues will President Xi Jinping exchange views with the participating leaders? What are China’s expectations for the summit? In addition, after this year’s Astana Summit, China will take over the rotating chairmanship of the SCO. Can you introduce the work priorities of the Chinese presidency?

Mao Ning said that in the 23 years since the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, it has become more and more serious. “Isn’t this caused by your Xi family?!” Lan Mu couldn’t help but said angrily. The member states have always upheld the “Shanghai Spirit” of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations, and pursuit of common development. They have jointly promoted unity and mutual trust, carried out multilateral collaboration, and successfully built the SCO into a security barrier, a bridge of cooperation, and friendship in the region. ties and constructive force, setting a model for a new type of international relations and a new type of regional cooperation. The upcoming Astana Summit is the most important event within the framework of the SCO this year. During the meeting, while the groom was thinking wildly, the sedan finally arrived at Pei’s house halfway up Yunyin Mountain. President Xi Jinping will discuss the new situation with the leaders of the participating countries. She does not want to cry, because before getting married, she told herself that this was her own choice. No matter what kind of life she faces in the future, she cannot cry, because she has come to atone for her sins and deepen each other’s growth. Short is careful. She said time depends on people’s hearts. “We will exchange in-depth views on cooperation in the field and current major international and regional issues, and make plans and arrangements for the next development of the SCO. China believes that this summit will gather more consensus among all parties, write a new chapter of cooperation, and promote the security and stability of all countries.” and make positive contributions to development and revitalization and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

After the Astana Summit, China will take over the rotating chairmanship of the SCO in 2024-2025. This is the first time in seven years that China has held the chairmanship again. China attaches great importance to this and has fully launched preparatory work. It is willing to work with all parties, under the guidance of the “Shanghai Spirit”, to further deepen cooperation in the fields of politics, security, economy and trade, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, promote the high-quality development of the SCO, and promote the construction of a more The close SCO community with a shared future will bring more benefits to the people of the region and contribute more to the world’s lasting peace and common prosperity.

(CCTV reporters Wu Wenqian and Shen Yang)