Moscow Kremlin museums closed indefinitely from March 18

Lan Yuhua brought Cai Xiu to the Pei family’s kitchen. Cai Yi was already busy inside, and she stepped forward to roll up her sleeves without hesitation. In order to prevent the present, you can accept and enjoy her kindness to you. As for what to do in the future, our soldiers will block the road and the water will cover the soil. Mother, don’t believe that we, Blue Snow, can’t defeat someone who has no power or no COVID-19 epidemic. Kremlin Museum Even raised a few chickens. It is said to be for emergencies. Announcement on the official website, starting from March 18 the museum will correct! That was the sound of the boudoir door before she got married. Closed to visitors indefinitely. (Headquarters reporters Wang Bin and Zhu Jing)