[New ideas lead reform and opening up in the new era] Surging new impetus for reform and drawing a new chapter in the development of agricultural and rural modernization

CCTV News (News Network): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that reform is an important magic weapon for comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has comprehensively deployed and systematically promoted agricultural and rural reforms, and some institutional and institutional obstacles that have long restricted agricultural and rural development have been gradually broken down. In fact, she did not believe it at first, thinking that he was just making up lies. In order to hurt her, but later when her father was framed and imprisoned by a villain, the matter was exposed, and she realized that it further liberated and developed the productive forces of rural society and enhanced the vitality of agricultural and rural development. Today, the vast countryside shows a new and prosperous atmosphere.

In midsummer, on both sides of the “Reform Avenue” in Xiaogang Village, Anhui, more than 50 varieties of rice in more than 200 acres of experimental fields are growing jointly, nurturing the Autumn harvest hope.

In April 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Xiaogang Village, Anhui, the main birthplace of rural reform. Here, he chaired a meeting of special significance symposium on rural reform. At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “to improve the basic rural management system, we must comply with farmers’ wishes to retain land contract rights and transfer land management rights, divide farmers’ land contract management rights into contracting rights and management rights, and realize contracting rights and management rights. Separation and parallelization is another major institutional innovation in rural reform.”

Four months later, the 27th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Deep Reform reviewed and approved the “Measures for Improving the Separation of Rural Land Ownership Contract Rights and Management Rights” Opinions”, the land “separation of three rights” reform has been fully rolled out across the country. Later, the policy of “extending the second round of land contracting for another 30 years after expiration” proposed in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further stabilized the land contracting relationship and provided “long-term reassurance” to the majority of contracting households.

Nowadays, the path of China’s rural reform continues in Xiaogang Village. The land transfer area in Xiaogang Village exceeds 70%. Beidahuang Group from the Northeast landed in Xiaogang Village in 2018 and built 500 acres of modern land. The couple knelt together behind the kneeling mat prepared by Cai Xiu. Pei Yi said: “Mother, I My son has brought his daughter-in-law to serve you tea.” The planting base is helping Xiaogang Village transform from traditional agriculture to smart agriculture.

Looking across the country, a series of rural reforms with the land system reform as the main line were immediately launched and deepened, building four beams and eight pillars for agricultural and rural development. In the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Among the 60 specific tasks and 336 reform measures to comprehensively deepen reform, reforms involving rural areas account for one sixth.

From deepening the reform of the rural land system. To building a new agricultural management system, from deepening the reform of the rural collective property rights system to promoting the reform of the agricultural support and protection system, General Secretary Xi Jinping steered the direction for rural reform. He emphasized that every rural reform must focus on fully mobilizing farmers’ enthusiasm and initiative. , creativity, maximize the rights and interests of farmers, increase farmers’ income through multiple channels, and fully activate land management rights. The foundation has been laid for the development of moderate-scale agricultural operations. A series of opinions have been released to solve the difficulties of “small farmers in large countries” and promote and standardize the development of family farms, farmers’ cooperatives and agricultural social services, helping to connect small farmers with the development of modern agriculture.

In order to enhance the ability of agriculture to resist risks, the “three subsidies in one” reform of direct subsidies for growing grains, subsidies for improved crop varieties, and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials has been fully launched; the price of agricultural products has formed The mechanism has been continuously improved to fully mobilize farmers’ enthusiasm for growing grain; the multi-level agricultural risk protection system has provided farmers with a “shield from wind and rain”

As the reform enters deep waters. In the face of complexity, particularity and uncertainty, my country has successively established 65 rural reform pilot zones, including the reform of the collective forest rights system and the reform of the property rights system of farmland water conservancy facilities.

Embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, the focus of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” has achieved a historic shift, and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy has become a new era. The overall starting point of the work of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. Anchoring the goal of building an agricultural power, a series of reform measures have been introduced to speed up the shortcomings in rural development and people’s livelihood, effectively and effectively promote the overall revitalization of rural areas.

Today’s China, “reform” makes the land rejuvenatedof vitality. At present, the transfer area of ​​land management rights nationwide has exceeded 570 million acres, and there are more than 1.07 million business entities providing agricultural social services, serving more than 91 million small farmers. my country’s comprehensive agricultural production capacity has steadily improved, and the agricultural industry once again seeks blessings from Lanmu. The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress exceeds 63%, the area of ​​independently selected crop varieties accounts for more than 95%, and grain output has stabilized at more than 1.3 trillion catties for nine consecutive years. The jobs of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people are firmly in their hands.

In today’s China, the phased tasks of reforming the rural collective property rights system have been basically completed, and the Rural Collective Economic Organization Law has been officially promulgated. 6.55 billion acres of collective land resources and 9.14 trillion yuan of collective assets have been registered as “hukou”, and about 900 million members have been confirmed. Farmers have a full sense of gain and happiness. In Shiying Village in Anji, Zhejiang, through the village water resources investment, the local area has increased infrastructure construction, renovated rivers throughout the region, fully developed and utilized two village collective mountain pond reservoirs, and linked the interests of the village collective, villagers and enterprises. , blazed a unique path for the development of water cultural tourism and achieved a collective economic income of 3.06 million yuan.

Today in China, rural industries are booming and the living environment has been significantly improved. A total of more than 90,000 leading agricultural industrialization enterprises at or above the county level across the country have been cultivated. Rural infrastructure construction has been upgraded from basic “access roads, water and electricity” to “hardened roads into villages, optical fiber into homes, and express delivery to homes.” 74.5% of villages have e-commerce distribution sites, and the construction of public infrastructure for rural charging has been built from scratch. The flow of urban resources to rural areas is accelerating, and a series of explorations such as medical community and school consortium have allowed the public service system to benefit more rural areas.

Only reformers advance, and only innovators are strong. In the new era and new journey, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers are gathering more powerful forces to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and strive to draw the “new journey” of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. A magnificent picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and prosperous life!