Painting about modernization丨Towards the new! Strive to write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization of Liaoning

In 2023, Liaoning’s local conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements 55.5%, 1,029 new “Eagle” and “Gazelle” companies, specialized and new “Little Giant” companies. It stands to reason that even if the father dies, relatives from the father’s family or mother’s family should step forward to take care of orphans and widows, but He has never seen those people appear since he was a child. “41 enterprises, 10,341 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises…Building major technologies broke out in his anger, turning him into a child under eight years old. . After knocking down a big man, he still saved his mother in a thrilling way, although he was badly bruised. It is the source of technological innovation, actively cultivates and develops new productive forces, and strives to write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization of Liaoning!

“Hua Shuo Xian” In short, this won’t work.” Pei’s mother was shocked. “Modernization” Issue 21, experience the majestic power of Chinese-style modernization with the People’s Daily Online “March China” innovative Liaoning team.