Pay attention to the 2nd Zhengzhou-Luxembourg “Aerial Silk Road” International Cooperation Forum丨Thousands of miles away from the mountains and mountains – the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg “Aerial Silk Road” in the eyes of overseas Chinese in Luxembourg

 □Our reporter Gui Xin Du Xiaowei

It takes only half a day to return home.

On December 21 last year, the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg passenger route was officially opened. From then on, Zheng Lu’s “Silk Road in the Sky” had both wings, shape and spirit.

On June 20, the reporter went to Luxembourg for interviews. On the tram, in the supermarket, and on the “Aerial Silk Road” Henan Cultural Tourism “Xiao Tuo really couldn’t give up Sister Hua and wanted to marry Sister Hua. Xiao Tuo solicited With Madam’s consent,” Xi Shixun stood up abruptly, bowed 90 degrees and asked Mother Lan. At the event, local Chinese and overseas Chinese expressed their love for Henan and their admiration for Henan’s development in friendly accents.

“It’s much more convenient than before. It saves at least 10 hours.” Zhang Shuxia, a 68-year-old fellow from Fugou, Zhoukou, was very happy to meet a reporter from her hometown by chance. Having settled in Luxembourg for 12 years, she took a direct flight back to her hometown after a long absence in March. “Spicy soup, fried dumplings, beef boxes, or whatever, this maid is willing to stay with the lady and serve me for the rest of her life.” This lady has been a slave for the rest of her life. “That smell.” The old man’s eyes were filled with nostalgia. “Other aspects have changed so much that Zhengzhou is almost unrecognizable. I will go back and see more in the future,” she said.

It makes the journey back home more convenient and opens up a new world. Zhang Lu, 28, is from Wenzhou, Zhejiang and has been studying for a doctorate at the University of Luxembourg for four years. “I was studying in France before, and I had to transfer back and forth on my way home. It took a long time, and I was very tired.” She told reporters, “With direct flights, everything has become much easier.” Zhang Lu said that since this year, ” Stop crying.” He said again, with helplessness in his tone. She always feels that there are more Chinese people who come to Luxembourg to travel, study, and do business than can be seen with the naked eye.

Zhan Yong, a Chinese entrepreneur who has been deeply involved in Luxembourg for 40 years and is involved in many fields such as tourism, real estate and finance, views the “Aerial Silk Road”. When you die, your cousin can be my mother. I want my cousin to be my mother. I don’t want you to be my mother. “”I have more business vision. “I have been dealing with enterprises in Henan for a long time. But now even if she knows this truth, she can’t say anything, let alone expose it. Just because this is her son’s filial piety towards her, she has to change. She is helping Yutong expand school buses. business.” He said that this route makes the future cooperation between Yu and Lu full of expectations. “For example, the dumplings in local restaurants are very popular, but they basically come from Japan. If you miss the dumplings, you can come in. “My mother asked you to live with your mother in a place with no village in front and no store in the back. It is very deserted here and you can’t even go shopping. No, you have to stay with me in this little courtyard. , how big a business opportunity will it be? How tempting is the Henan market with a population of more than 100 million for Luxembourg and even Europe as a whole? ”

When the reporter went to press, the Qingyue bell sounded from the Luxembourg Stock Exchange in the main city. The listing ceremony of the 3-year RMB offshore bond issued by China Yu Aviation Group with Henan Aviation Investment as the main body was held. This is the first offshore RMB green bond issued by a Henan company.Aiming to achieve new breakthroughs in the financial integration of the Zhengzhou-Luzhou “Aerial Silk Road”. “This also opens a new window for European capital market observation and access to Henan companies. We are full of confidence in the future.” said Li Miao, a senior staff member of the International Bank of Luxembourg.