Providing strong impetus and institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization – General Secretary leads us to write a new chapter of reform and opening up in the new era

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The epoch-making Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China created a new situation in my country’s reform and opening up.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core holds high the great banner of reform and opening up, and with great political courage and wisdom, puts forward the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform: improving and developing The socialist system with Chinese characteristics promotes the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.

The direction determines the future, and the road determines the destiny.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that on the way forward, we must “firmly grasp the direction of reform and opening up. What to change and how to change must be based on whether it is in line with perfection and The overall goal of developing a socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities is the fundamental criterion.”

Facing the arduous and complex reform tasks, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed, and promoted comprehensively deepening reform work, guiding new practices and practices with new reform ideas. Lead new changes, strive to enhance the systemic, holistic, and coordinated nature of reforms, focus on major institutional innovations, and strive to enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security. To advance and promote the cause of the party and the country to achieve history, he has always wanted to find Zhao Qizhou in person. Knowing the price, I wanted to take this opportunity to learn everything about jade and have a deeper understanding of jade. It has achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes, providing a strong institutional guarantee and a strong source of power for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Anchoring the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reforms

“This is to improve and develop Chinese characteristics The inevitable requirement of the socialist system is the due meaning of realizing socialist modernization”

In November 2013, at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform” drafted under the personal supervision of General Secretary Xi Jinping was adopted, and for the first time the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform was proposed.

“This is an inevitable requirement for improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and it is what it means to realize socialist modernization.” General Secretary Xi Jinping “If you Really meet oneIf you want to torture your evil mother-in-law, even if you bring ten maids, she can still let you do this or that, with just one sentence – I think the daughter-in-law – emphasizes.

In February 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping held the opening ceremony of a special seminar on comprehensively deepening reforms for leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels to study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It pointed out: “In what direction should we advance the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities? This is a fundamental question that must be answered well. To consider this question, we must fully understand and grasp the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reforms , This is a whole composed of two sentences, that is, improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. “Only the second sentence is complete.” The first sentence is incomplete and incomplete. ”

Why should we propose the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform? General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a profound explanation, emphasizing that “the issue of overall goals must be viewed from a broad world historical perspective” and “the issue of overall goals must also be viewed within the historical process of my country’s social transformation in modern times.” The General Secretary pointed out: “Since the reform and opening up, our party has begun to think about the national governance system from a new perspective, emphasizing that the leadership system and organizational system issues are more fundamental, overall, stable and long-term. Today, before us One of the major historical tasks of the Party Central Committee is to promote the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to become more mature and finalized, and to provide a more complete, stable and effective system for the development of the cause of the party and the country, the happiness and well-being of the people, social harmony and stability, and the long-term peace and stability of the country. ”

“This project is extremely ambitious and must be a comprehensive and systematic reform and improvement. It is the linkage and integration of reforms and improvements in various fields. It will form an overall effect and achieve overall results in modernizing the national governance system and governance capabilities,” General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized.

In the new era and new journey, the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform remains consistent.

In May this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at a symposium between enterprises and experts that “to further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must anchor, improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics” , promote the overall goal of modernizing the national governance system and governance capabilities, closely adhere to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, run towards problems and focus on problem correction, and resolutely get rid of the ideological concepts and ideas that hinder the advancement of Chinese-style modernization. We will address the shortcomings of institutional mechanisms and strive to resolve deep-seated institutional obstacles and structural contradictions to continuously inject strong impetus into Chinese-style modernization and provide strong institutional guarantees. ”

“Continuously eliminate the shortcomings of the system and make our system mature and durable.” Entering a new era, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical stage, and reform and opening up have stood at a new historical juncture. The domestic and international environment is undergoing extremely extensive and profound changes. my country’s development is facing a series of outstanding contradictions and challenges, and there are still many difficulties and problems on the way forward. For example: unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable problems in development are still prominent, scientific and technological innovation capabilities are not strong, industrial structure is unreasonable, development methods are still extensive, urban and rural regional development gaps and residents’ income distribution gaps are still large, and social conflicts have increased significantly. etc.

How to deal with the changing situation? How to resolve conflicts? How to activate power? Where will the ship of reform and opening up sail?

“The key to solving these problems lies in deepening reforms.” Chinese Communists in the new era have a firm stance and answered calmly.

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the local area for investigation and research for the first time, and went straight to Guangdong, the forefront of reform and opening up.

“The entire Party and people of all ethnic groups must unswervingly follow the path of reform and opening up to strengthen the country.” Here, the General Secretary issued a mobilization order that “reform will not stop and opening up will not stop”, demonstrating the determination and confidence to carry out reform and opening up to the end.

Determine the overall goal, strategic focus, priority, main direction, working mechanism, promotion method, timetable, and road map for comprehensively deepening the reform; 60 specific tasks , 336 reform measures covering all aspects, forming a series of new major breakthroughs in reform theory and policy… Anchoring the overall goal, China has entered a new “reform time.”

On December 30, 2013, for the first time in the history of the Communist Party of China, a leading organization dedicated to reform work was established at the Party Central Committee level – the Central Committee Comprehensive Deepening Reform Leadership General Secretary Xi Jinping serves as the team leader to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on comprehensively deepening reforms.

Great ideas guide great practices. General Secretary Xi Jinping has been thinking about reform day and night, put forward a series of breakthrough, strategic, and guiding important ideas and major conclusions, and scientifically answered a series of major theories such as why and how to comprehensively deepen reform in the new era. and practical issues.

The light of thought gathers majestic power. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups are united and forge ahead, taking the great practice of reform and opening up to a higher level.

Place system construction and governance capacity building in a more prominent position

“Continue to deepen Reform of systems and mechanisms in various fields and aspects, promote systems in all aspects to become more mature and finalized, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities”

Xiaogang Village, Anhui, rural reform ’s birthplace.

On April 25, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to meet with local city and county leaders, members of the “Two Committees” team of Xiaogang Village, and large contractors Leaders and villager representatives held discussions to deploy rural reform work under the new situation. General Secretary Xi Jinping listened and took notes, and communicated with them from time to time.

It was at this rural reform symposium that General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “To deepen rural reform under the new situation, the main line is still to handle the relationship between farmers and land. “We must promptly implement the land contract management rights registration system to truly provide farmers with reassurance.”

Four months later, the 27th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Deep Reform reviewed and approved the “Opinions on Improving the Separation of Rural Land Ownership Contracting Rights and Management Rights” 》. This is another major reform and innovation of the rural land system in the past few decades following the rural land contract responsibility system.

Entering the new era, reforms are facing more deep-seated institutional and institutional problems. The requirements for the top-level design of reforms are higher, and the systemic and overall reforms are required. The requirements for flexibility and coordination are stronger, and accordingly the task of establishing regulations and building systems is heavier.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “To plan for comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era, we must adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. As the main axis, we must deeply grasp our country’s development requirements and the trend of the times, place system construction and governance capacity building in a more prominent position, continue to deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms in all fields and aspects, promote all aspects of systems to become more mature and finalized, and promote the national governance system and Modernizing governance capabilities ”

“One list” clears roadblocks for business operations. On December 21, 2018, with the release of the “Market Access Negative List (2018 Edition)”, my country’s market access negative list system entered a new stage of full implementation . It’s her, just like Caihuan. The boundary between the government and the market has been legalized, and the government management model has achieved major changes. The number of business entities is expected to be clearer and more stable. By the end of 2023, there will be 184 million registered business entities, including more than 5,300 private enterprises. 10,000 households, an increase of 2.3 times and 3.9 times respectively compared with 2012.

“The most stringent in history”, and more than 20 measures have been formulated to combat environmental pollution. Laws related to the ecological environment cover the fields of atmosphere, water, soil, noise, etc. The “Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization” and the “Overall Plan for the Reform of the Ecological Civilization System” have been issued, central environmental protection inspections have been carried out, and the river chief system and lake chief system have been fully implemented. The long-term system, the long-term forest system, and the beautiful China picture is slowly unfolding… A series of fundamental, pioneering, and long-term reforms have promoted the construction of a beautiful China to take major steps, and my country’s ecological and environmental protection has undergone historic, turning, and overall changes. .

Since the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has highlighted the main line of system construction, not only attacking the stubborn diseases that have accumulated for many years, but also addressing the mature issues. The reform results and reform experience are summarized and improved in a timely manner and fixed in the form of laws and regulations, promoting the realization of historic changes, systematic reshaping, and overall reconstruction in many fields.

The Party’s leadership system, the people’s mastery of the country system, the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, the socialist administrative system with Chinese characteristics, the people’s livelihood security system that coordinates urban and rural areas, and the social governance system of joint construction, joint governance and sharing… Comprehensively deepen reform and move forward, the fundamental system supporting the socialist system with Chinese characteristics will continue to be strengthened, the basic system will be more perfect, and important systems will continue to innovate. The basic institutional framework in various fields will be basically established, and the system will be complete, scientific and standardized, and effectively run. It is gradually taking shape, providing a fundamental guarantee for the development and progress of contemporary China.

” Overcoming difficulties along the way, “Made in China” forges new advantages; moving forward bravely, “The governance of China” has opened a new realm.

On July 1, 2021, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, Tiananmen Square witnessed the historic ceremony on behalf of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The Party and the people solemnly declare:

“Through the continuous struggle of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, we have achievedWe have achieved the first centenary goal and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on the land of China.”

In 8 years, five-level secretaries worked hard to eradicate poverty and mobilized people at all levels. Promoting the fight against poverty, all 98.99 million rural poor people under the current standards have been lifted out of poverty, and all 832 national-level poverty-stricken counties have been lifted out of poverty, creating a miracle in the annals of history.

Poverty, build a moderately prosperous society, fight against epidemics and floods, stabilize the economy and promote development, resolve crises and respond to situations… Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have closely relied on and given full play to the unique advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and concentrated our efforts on We have accomplished big things, handled difficult things, and done urgent things, and achieved one victory after another.

With the total economic volume exceeding 126 trillion yuan, we have firmly ranked as the second largest economy in the world. Grain output has stabilized at 1.3 trillion kilograms for nine consecutive years. From the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics to the full completion of the Chinese Space Station and the domestically produced large aircraft soaring into the sky…China in the new era has written a record of rapid economic development. and long-term social stability, providing a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and more proactive spiritual power for Chinese-style modernization.

“Both history and reality tell us that as long as we adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, and be good at using institutional power to respond to risks, challenges and impacts, we will be able to withstand stress tests again and again. Constantly turning crises into opportunities and rising from the ashes. ”

Insisting on people-centered promotion of reform

“We focus on reform and promote development. In the final analysis, it is to let the people live a better life.”

Chinese-style modernization puts people’s livelihood first.

“After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I proposed that adhering to people’s supremacy, adhering to people-centeredness, and people’s yearning for a better life are our goals, and we must implement them in all aspects of the entire process of comprehensively deepening reforms. . ” General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized.

In a large express delivery outlet in Sanlin Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai, Song Kaijie, operations manager of Sanlin Area of ​​SF Express, was busy tallying goods. . After working hard in Shanghai for 8 years, this 34-year-old Shandong guy has gained a lot——

In July 2018, I welcomed my first baby. “With maternity insurance, more than half of the 28,000 yuan maternity expenses were reimbursed, and the policy is affordable. ”

In February 2020, a family of three moved into a public rental house. “Including water and electricity bills, the monthly rent is more than a thousand yuan.” Complete facilities, brand new equipment, 1 km away from the company, comfortable and convenient. ”

This year, my daughter has reached the age of elementary school. “I filled in the materials in the ‘Sui-Applying Citizen Cloud’ APP and got the residence permit in two or three days.” , will be successfully admitted to a public primary school in September. ”

After having a baby, settling down, and enrolling her child in school, Song Kaijie, who was promoted from a front-line courier to an area manager, has a new plan for the future: the express delivery industry has fully implemented vocational skill levels. System, this year we are preparing to participate in professional competitions, raise wages based on skills, and make money to buy a house as soon as possible. “Good policies have given ordinary people the opportunity to excel in life.” ”

The trickling streams converge into a river.

“The people are the creators of history. “It is our source of strength.” “The fundamental purpose of our reform is to make the country more prosperous and powerful, to make society more fair and just, and to make people’s lives better.” The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has always adhered to the principle of We are people-centered, promote reforms that constantly comply with people’s expectations and meet their needs, and firmly implement our solemn commitment to “take the people’s yearning for a better life as our goal”

“Reform is meaningful only if it is for the sake of the people.” Comprehensively deepen reform, with the starting point and goal of promoting social fairness and justice, and improving people’s well-being, so that the results of reform and development can benefit all people more and more equitably.

On August 17, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Liaoning, came to Santaizi Street, Huanggu District, Shenyang City, specifically to see a renovated old community.

Mudan Community was built in the 1980s and is home to more than 3,000 households. It is a typical old community and is an important measure to implement urban renewal. In recent years, Shenyang has accelerated the renovation of old urban communities, allowing more people to realize their dream of housing. After transformation, it has become a well-known model community for grassroots governance.

 ”The roads are leveled, the lights are on, various facilities are improved, leisure and fitness facilities are also built, the “appearance” of the community is improved, and everyone’s hearts are brightened. “The community cadre said proudly.

“What the people care about and expect, reform must grasp and promote.” When the people call for reform, reform Respond accordingly.

Stabilize employment, increase income, and provide a more fulfilling sense of gain. An average of 13 million new urban jobs will be created every year; a breakthrough. “Barriers”, the reform of the household registration system has allowed 140 million agricultural migrant workers to settle in cities and towns; effectively “burden reduction”, the personal income tax reform has benefited 250 million people.

Promote fairness and make happiness more secure. From protecting students’ eyesight and improving the service quality of nursing homes to strengthening food safety supervision and promoting clean heating, from promoting the “toilet revolution” and garbage classification to creating “urban study rooms” and “farmhouse study rooms”… Focusing on the urgent needs and worries, reform measures have been introduced one after another to benefit people’s livelihood, warm people’s hearts, and satisfy public opinion.

” The bottom line is guaranteed, and the security is strengthened to make people feel safer. Sustainable. We have built the world’s largest social security system, with basic pension insurance covering 1.07 billion people, and the basic medical insurance participation rate has stabilized at more than 95%. A total of more than 60 million units of affordable housing have been built, and the housing conditions of urban and rural residents have been improved. Improve. Improve the social security system for people with disabilities, and the number of insured persons and the proportion of insured persons will continue to increase.

Medical care for the sick, care for the elderly, housing, support for the weak, benefiting the people, and relieving worries about people’s livelihood, the gold content of the reform will give the people a sense of gain.

“Reform can only be driven by relying on the people.” Comprehensively deepen reform, adhere to people-oriented, respect the people’s dominant position, give full play to the initiative of the masses, and rely closely on the people to promote reform.

Sanming, Fujian Province, is the “pathfinder” of China’s medical reform.

In the past, medical insurance losses here were serious and the contradiction between doctors and patients was prominent. Since 2012, Sanming City has taken the comprehensive reform of public hospitals as an entry point to coordinate and promote the “three-medical linkage reform” of medicine, medical insurance, and medical care in cities, counties, townships, and villages, realizing the joint efforts of patients, doctors, hospitals, medical insurance funds, and other parties. Win.

In February 2016, the Central Leading Group for Deepening Reform held a meeting to listen to a report from Sanming City, Fujian Province on deepening the reform of the medical and health system. In August of that year, 24 typical experiences in medical reform in 8 aspects, including Sanming City, were presented to the country. Promotion. By the end of 2017, all public hospitals across the country have eliminated drug markups, and the comprehensive reform of public hospitals has been extended to 338 cities across the country.

“Reform and opening up are based on understanding. Every breakthrough and development in and practice, every emergence and development of new things in reform and opening up, and the creation and accumulation of experience in every aspect of reform and opening up all come from the practice and wisdom of hundreds of millions of people. “Beijing explores “handling complaints immediately”, Tianjin implements “one seal for approval”, Shanghai government services are “one-stop service”, and various places promote the use of the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era and “girls are girls.” “Seeing her entering the room, Cai Xiu and Cai Yi called out to her at the same time. …Think what the people think, do what the people ask, sum up the fresh experience created by the masses in a timely manner, and fully mobilize the masses’ enthusiasm to promote reform. Enthusiasm, initiative, creativity, and comprehensive deepening of reforms have won the heartfelt support and active participation of the masses.

“In the final analysis, our focus on reform and development is to enable the people to live a better life. On to better days. “The General Secretary’s plain words reflect the innocent heart of “I will live up to the people without myself” and demonstrate the value orientation of our party’s comprehensive deepening of reforms.

“The Communist Party of China is a party that seeks happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is also a party that seeks progress for mankind and great harmony for the world. “In the new era, China will open its door wider and wider, and strive to make the achievements of modernization benefit people of all countries more and more equitably.

CIIE, the gateway to China The “golden door” of the market. At present, there are more than 100 days until the seventh CIIE is officially held. More than 1,000 companies from more than 70 countries and regions have signed up to participate in the exhibition, and the contracted exhibition area exceeds 90% of the planned area. “To achieve high standards, achieve results, and get better and better”, the world’s first import-themed national exhibition has become a new stage for two-way openness and win-win cooperation between China and the world.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “China’s development cannot be separated from the world, and the world’s prosperity also needs China. “In the autumn of 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping pioneered the major initiative of jointly building the “Belt and Road”. So far, China has signed more than 230 cooperation documents on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” with more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations. Continuously With China’s new development bringing new impetus and new opportunities to the world, the path of Chinese-style modernization is getting closer and closerThe wider.

“Reform and opening up are unprecedented. A new undertaking must adhere to the correct methodology and advance through continuous practice and exploration.”

Time is the most faithful witness.

“Our achievements in comprehensively deepening reforms over the past seven years are all here, heavy!” On December 30, 2020, the 19th Central Committee comprehensively announced At the 17th meeting of the Committee for Deepening Reforms, General Secretary Xi Jinping held up the 20,000-word summary and evaluation report on comprehensively deepening reforms since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and said with emotion.

It was at this meeting that the General Secretary pointed out: “The goals and tasks set by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China have been fully advanced, and the basic systems in various fields have been fully implemented. The framework has been basically established, and many fields have achieved historic changes, systemic reshaping, and overall reconstruction, laying a solid foundation for promoting the formation of a complete, scientifically standardized, and effective institutional system, and making all aspects of the system more mature and finalized.”

“Reform breaks and establishes, and if you follow its rules, you will get twice the result with half the effort.” “Reform and opening up is an unprecedented new undertaking. We must adhere to the correct methodology and advance through continuous practice and exploration. “. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to scientific methods and methods and led the comprehensive deepening of reforms in the new era to achieve historic and great achievements.

——Adhere to integrity and innovation, and stick to it firmly when you see it right.

“Our reform and opening up has a direction, a stand, and a principle. Of course we must hold high the banner of reform, but our reform is based on socialism with Chinese characteristics The reform that continues to advance on the road will neither follow the old path of isolation and rigidity, nor take the evil path of changing flags. ”

” At the symposium between enterprises and experts. When General Secretary Xi Jinping elaborated on the methods and methods required to further comprehensively deepen reforms, the first thing he talked about was to persist in integrity and innovation.

“No matter how the reform is modified, fundamental things such as adhering to the party’s overall leadership, adhering to Marxism, adhering to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the people’s democratic dictatorship must never be waver, otherwise it will be self-destructionGreat Wall. “The words of the General Secretary are as important as anything.

No matter what changes are made or what steps are taken, we must adhere to the leadership of the party and ensure that the party controls the direction, the overall situation, and the overall situation.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made arrangements for comprehensively governing the country according to law and promoting comprehensive deepening of reforms. Continue to make steady progress on the track of the rule of law; the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established “adhere to comprehensively deepening reforms” as one of the basic strategies for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era; the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China specifically studied and adhered to and make decisions on improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities; the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clarified the “five major principles” that must be firmly grasped on the way forward. One of the principles is to “persist in deepening “Reform and Opening Up”… General Secretary Xi Jinping is far-sighted and takes the helm to ensure that reform always moves forward firmly in the right direction.

From the reform of the fiscal and taxation systems, the reform of the judicial system, etc. Major reforms, such as traveling to other places to apply for ID cards, reducing homework burdens on students and other practical matters related to people’s livelihood… Since the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally presided over more than 70 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Deep Reform and the Central Committee for Deep Reform, and deployed a series of major reform matters , integrating all aspects and taking into account overall considerations, to build the “four beams and eight pillars” of system construction

 ——Pay more attention to system integration, and adhere to the overall concept and systematic thinking in planning. Promote.

From creating the “Tesla speed” of “starting construction in the same year, completing construction in the same year, and putting into production in the same year”, to launching the country’s first negative policy for foreign investment access. List and the launch of the country’s first “single window” for international trade, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone boldly tries and explores ways to open up at a high level in all aspects.

From a single flower blooming to a garden full of flowers, 22 free trade pilot zones have been established in Shanghai, forming a pilot pattern covering the east, west, south, north, and central areas. A total of more than 3,500 reform pilot projects have been carried out, forming many landmark and leading achievements. System innovation achievements.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Reform and opening up complement each other and promote each other. Reform must require opening up, and opening up must require reform. ”

From the continuous holding of high-level international exhibitions such as the China International Import Expo and the China Service Trade Fair to the high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, from the introduction and implementation of the Foreign Investment Law toImplement the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement”…actively align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand rules, regulations, management, standards and other institutional openings, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and further shape my country’s new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition. .

Entering a new era, comprehensively deepening reforms involve all areas of economic and social development. “Pieceful adjustments will not work, nor will fragmented repairs. It must be comprehensive and systematic reform and Improvement is the linkage and integration of reforms and improvements in various fields.”

Focusing on “giving full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better playing the role of the government”, we should properly handle the government and market, fairness and efficiency, and development. and security and other relations, the economic system reform has made solid progress;

Upholding the organic unity of the party’s leadership, the people being the masters of the country, and governing the country according to law, the political system reform has continued to deepen;

Building a socialist core value system and a strong socialist cultural country, cultural system reform activates “a pool of spring water”;

Improve public services, narrow income gaps, strengthen social security, and continue to advance social system reform;

Improve the property rights system for natural resource assets, establish national territory The space development and protection system, the sound resource utilization and ecological compensation system, and the reform of the ecological civilization system will be worked hard;

Improve the level of scientific governance, democratic governance, and governance in accordance with the law, The reform of the party building system is progressing rapidly and steadily;


Extensive advancement, Fully connected and coupled with each other, the reform plans in various fields have been implemented and are effective, the dividends of the reform have become increasingly apparent, and the driving force for economic and social development has become stronger.

——Focus on planning and implementation, and implement reforms with a nail-driving spirit.

Outside Xizhimen, Beijing, opposite the Beijing Zoo, the New Power Financial Technology Center is brightly lit. This was once the largest clothing wholesale market in North China – the Zoo Wholesale Market. After decentralization and transformation, the average daily passenger flow here has been reduced from 100,000 to 10,000, and the annual taxRevenue increased from 60 million yuan to 2 billion yuan, driving the rapid development of the national financial technology demonstration zone.

Seize the “big nose” and the main contradiction of relieving Beijing’s non-capital functions, and seize key areas such as transportation integration, ecological environmental protection, and industrial development to start… In the past 10 years since the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy was implemented, relevant departments and regions have taken active actions and implemented it efficiently, pushing the regional economic aggregate to cross 5 trillion yuan in a row and reaching 10.4 trillion yuan, and regional coordinated development has bloomed with new brilliance.

There are marks when you grab the iron, and you leave marks when you step on the stone!

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “As the reform progresses today, there are more and more favorable conditions for reform and implementation. The ideological foundation, practical foundation and institutional foundation of reform The foundation and the foundation of people’s support will be more solid, and more energy must be invested and greater efforts should be made to implement it.”

State-owned enterprises, finance and taxation, scientific and technological innovation, land system, judicial justice, culture and education, elderly care and employment… The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has prioritized the establishment and establishment of Promote major reforms with the nature of “four beams and eight pillars”, focusing not only on important issues, important tasks, and important pilots, but also on key subjects, key links, and key nodes, and promote the reform to continuously achieve new results.

The overall design, overall coordination, overall promotion, and supervision of implementation at the central level create a strong center for comprehensively deepening reforms. Relevant parties clarify tasks, implement responsibilities, and implement Scheduling construction dates, pressing ahead with stubble, relevant departments carrying out in-depth inspections, and promoting the implementation of reforms with real swords and guns… All regions and departments regard reform as a major political responsibility, strengthen their determination and confidence in reform, and enhance their ideological consciousness and action consciousness to promote reform. , should be both a reform promoter and a reform doer.

From laying foundations and supporting columns and beams, to comprehensive advancement and building momentum, to system integration, collaboration and efficiency. All-round, deep-seated, and fundamental reforms have achieved historic, revolutionary, and groundbreaking achievements.

Reform and opening up have gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, but we still need to cross mountains and rivers.

The new mission is ahead——

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has been drawn up The grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization will “persist in deepening reform and opening up” as theIt is one of the major principles that must be firmly grasped on the way forward.

Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented pioneering undertaking, with unprecedented arduousness and complexity. “To achieve the goals and tasks of the new era and new journey, we must comprehensively deepen reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization and as an important starting point for stabilizing the overall situation, adapting to the situation, and opening up a new game.”

Promoting Chinese-style modernization is the banner that unites the wisdom and strength of the whole party and the people in the new journey. It is also the theme of further comprehensively deepening reforms.

At a symposium between enterprises and experts, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “To further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization, highlight the key points of reform, and Firmly grasp the value orientation and pay attention to methods and methods to add impetus to completing the central tasks and achieving strategic goals.” Held in Beijing in July this year, the plenary session will focus on further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I have been thinking about further comprehensively deepening reforms. After the reform and opening up, the third plenary sessions of the Party Central Committee have studied reforms. This time, we will closely focus on promoting Chinese-style modernization Theme. ”

“There is no end to practical development, there is no end to emancipating the mind, and there is no end to reform and opening up.

 (Our reporters Wang Xiaodong, Liu Zhiqiang, Wang Hao, Han Xin, Luo Shanshan)