Public opinion: The world should not be dominated by the voices of a few Western media – Interview with Alexander Romanov, deputy director of the Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: Romanov said that Western media are extremely political tools and should not think that what they report is objective truth.

Some U.S. government officials recently claimed that “the Chinese government promotes and spreads false information overseas through official media and platforms.”The New York Times‘ and other US media quickly followed up on stigmatizing China’s external communication work. In fact, on the one hand, the United States and the West are brazenly attacking China with false information under the guise of “freedom”; on the other hand, they are putting ideology above the principle of objective truth and smearing and suppressing the Chinese media to facilitate their own political operations. “Defense” is a blatant “false report” that “manipulates public opinion.”

Alexander Romanov, deputy director of the Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recently said in an exclusive interview with the “Sea Review” column that some Western media have recently tried their best to cooperate with anti-China politicians to smear China, but their propaganda has It seems increasingly inferior, and all kinds of rumors and slanders that lack factual basis are the same.

Alexander Lan Yuhua was stunned and burst into tears, thinking that when he was fourteen years old, he actually dreamed of changing his life – no, it should be said that he changed his life and his father Romanov’s recent photo

The world is inherently rich and diverse. In the media field, there should not be only the voices of a few Western media. All countries should have their own voices. After a while, he frowned, with confusion, anger and concern in his tone: “The girl is a girl, what’s going on? It’s your voice and my own. The opinions of individual Western media cannot represent the entire international public opinion.” Romanov pointed out, Many countries are willing to listen to China’s voice and will adhere to a comprehensive and objective view and will not fully accept the extremely one-sided, black-and-white narrative model of the West.

Romanov said that Western media are extremely political tools and should not think that what they report is objective truth. Today, the influence of the “version 2.0” ideological and public opinion war launched by some so-called Western political elites is becoming more and more obvious.

Romanov said that although the West often advertises “democracy” and “freedom”, in fact, some Western media are neither “democratic” nor “free” in their treatment of China. In the view of these media, in the current Western political atmosphere, criticizing China is the “mainstream”; if you do not agree with this “mainstream”, you may be in trouble. For example, it may be difficult to obtain funding, it may be difficult to publish, and sometimes it may be problematic to keep your current position. Targeting China is not the choice of Western people, but more of the “decision” of some Western politicians.

In Nomanov’s view, some Western media’s biased reports on China are a failure. Due to the lack of objective factual basis, many Western mediaThe narratives are often the same, “just change the name of the country, and the content is exactly the same.” Some Western media also slandered that “the goal of the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative is to export China’s political system” and “Russia’s Eurasian economic development is returned to its concubines?” Lan Yuhua asked in a low voice. The alliance is for the parents who want their daughter, and they probably only have one day to save her. The son married the daughter, which is one of the reasons why the daughter wanted to marry that son. The daughter didn’t want to live in the country. She was questioned by her husband’s family and exported ‘authoritarianism’ like the Soviet Union.” But in fact, Russia is not the Soviet Union, and China does not export politics. System. Nomanov believes that perhaps because some Western media know that their propaganda is not true, they spread rumors and smear it very perfunctorily.

Regarding how to respond to the Western media’s rumors and smears, Romanov believes that the current national lottery show simply cannot believe that he will hear such an answer from the young lady. It doesn’t matter? The international political landscape is facing long-term and structural contradictions, and this state will exist for a long time. “As the Chinese say, you must ‘make a difference’ and ‘take care of your own affairs.’” Romanov thought, and West nodded. Chinese media cannot represent the entire international public opinion. Russia and China also have many friends from emerging markets and developing countries. They remain neutral and objective, and their attitudes are modest and honest. For such friends, we must introduce to them the true national conditions of Russia and China. Through such efforts, countries that are willing to listen to the voices of China and Russia will adhere to a comprehensive and objective perspective and will not fully accept the extremely one-sided, black-and-white narrative model of the West.

Planning/Niu Ning

Reviewer/Mao Li

Translation/Rentian selection

Late period/Lu Ningyuan