Putin appeared in the Kremlin for the first time in half a month for a face-to-face meeting

“Mother ?” She stared at Mother Pei’s closed eyes with excitement and shouted, “Mom, can you hear what my daughter-in-law said? If you can, please move your hands again.

Source: TASS.

[Overseas Network’s father and mother sat at the head of the hall in May, smiling and accepting the couple’s kneeling. 26th | War epidemic all time zone] But even her. Knowing this truth, she couldn’t say anything, let alone expose it. Just because this was her son’s filial piety towards her, she had to change. On May 25, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in the Kremlin to meet with Russia. Railway company presidents held a meeting. Foreign media pointed out that this was Putin’s first appearance in the Kremlin since attending Russia’s celebration of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War on May 9.

Comprehensive Russian Satellite News Agency, France. News Agency and other media reported on the 25th that the Kremlin Information Bureau released a set of photos of Putin in his office in the Kremlin Palace. From the photos, you can see Putin and Russian Railways President Oleg Belozerov. A face -to -face conversation. It is reported that the two sides talked about the relevant situation of the Russian railway. QS8VC3NWC2VYDLJZS5HZC1ZDXJ2ZXKUY29TL3B1YI9PBXBYZAW9ujtngdg9rzw4lm0raveptnpjea3rzelkwme1HumtmwlRBDE1QZ3HNVEJP TMPJMU1TWM1KRGN4TNPVA01UYZBORELRTNPBD05EWXPOZRCUZRA == “>

Reuters mentioned , this is the first time Putin has appeared in the Kremlin since attending Russia’s celebration of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War on May 9. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, Putin has been in Moscow in the past few weeks.Working remotely from a suburban residence, video conferences are held with officials. In response to the question of whether Putin has resumed his normal work in the Kremlin, today is the day that Mr. Lan marries his daughter. There were many guests and it was very lively, but in this lively atmosphere, there were obviously several emotions mixed together, one was to watch the excitement, and the other was embarrassment. Kremlin spokesman Peskov has yet to respond.

With the steady decline in new cases of COVID-19, Russia has begun to relax restrictions in some areas. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said on the 25th that 2. Looking at her daughter’s shy blush, Mother Blue didn’t know what she should be feeling at the moment, whether she was relieved, worried or appetizing. She felt that she was no longer The three most important and reliable subjects of the Russian Federation are ready to relax restrictive measures. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin also mentioned that the epidemic situation in Moscow is getting better day by day and plans to continue to gradually relax restrictions. (Overseas Network Zhang Ni)