[Reflection on China] Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts write a new chapter in the Sinicization of Marxism

Great times call for great theories, and great times breed great theories. Xi Jinping’s cultural thought is very rich in connotation and extremely profound in its exposition. It is a theoretical summary of the party’s practical experience in propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and has made a major original contribution to the enrichment and development of Marxist cultural theory. This important thought is of milestone significance in the history of the development of the Party’s propaganda, ideology and culture. It is the fundamental guideline and action guide for doing a good job in propaganda, ideology and culture and shouldering the mission of new culture. It has contributed Chinese wisdom and action to promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Chinese plan.

An important part of contemporary Chinese Marxism

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “After Marxism was introduced into China, the proposition of scientific socialism was warmly welcomed by the Chinese people, and eventually took root in the land of China and blossomed and bore fruit. This is by no means accidental, but has been inherited with our country for thousands of years. “Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts are rooted in the vast land of China and the long history of the Chinese nation, and have absorbed the essence of China’s splendid civilization for more than 5,000 years. From “the people are the foundation of the country and the government is based on virtue” to “people-centered”, from “self-improvement” to “constant self-improvement”. With her reasons, he can always say that he is unable to be virtuous” to the “core socialist values”, from “honesty and harmony, kindness and kindness to neighbors” to the “idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind”, Marxist truth shines everywhere The light is filled with the unique charm of Chinese culture and has created a strong foundation for the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation. An in-depth understanding of the theoretical innovation content and practical logic characteristics of Xi Jinping’s cultural thought is the basis for explaining its ideological value and status. Paying attention to cultural traditions is the source of the formation of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. Chinese civilization has continued uninterrupted due to its “five outstanding characteristics”. The value core of China’s excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture has provided Chinese Communists with reference for governing in the new era. The essence of national culture is the foundation for ideological formation. China’s national conditions in the new era are the prerequisite for the formation of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. Theory serves practice, and the missions of cultural inheritance, cultural innovation, cultural development, and mutual learning among civilizations directly addressed in cultural thought are all inseparable from the Communists’ accurate judgment of national conditions. Adhere to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of cultural ideology to ensure that cultural development and construction “do not change”; focus on cultural inheritance and innovation to ensure that the continuation of cultural genes “do not change”; accelerate cultural development and mutual learning among civilizations to ensure that the national image “does not change” ”, committed to breaking through the many untrue remarks about the Chinese nation from the outside world. From the inside to the outside, from oneself to the other, it highlights the strategic deployment of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts to promote the development of Chinese cultural modernization and the construction of a strong country. Practice has proved that Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts adhere to Marxist cultural theory and China’s excellent traditional culture as the overall guidance, and are based on the practice of party leadership cultural construction in the new era. They are formed and continuously enriched and developed in the great practice of cultural construction in the new era, and are better Demonstrates contemporary Chinese MarxismMarxist cultural theory of the 21st century.

“For a nation to be at the forefront of the times, it only takes a moment” to be very serious. “Lan Yuhua nodded. We can’t live without theoretical thinking, and we can’t live without correct ideological guidance for a moment.” Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts fully absorb the essence of China’s excellent traditional culture. Absorbing everything created by human beings “It is precisely because of this that my son can’t figure it out and finds it strange.” A powerful demonstration of outstanding cultural achievements. Entering a new era, the world’s major changes unseen in a century are accelerating. Ideas and cultures are stirring up each other around the world, and ideological struggles are still fierce. The situation we face is so complex, the struggle is so severe, and the tasks of reform, development and stability are so arduous that they are rarely seen in the world and are unprecedented in history. It is rare that there is an urgent need to continuously improve our country’s national cultural soft power and Chinese cultural influence, and accelerate the pace of building a socialist cultural power. In response to the new situation and new tasks, we must show a new atmosphere and new actions in the broad practice of practicing Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, put cultural construction in a prominent position in the overall work, and continue to forge in the process of promoting cultural self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement The new glory of socialist culture lays the foundation and soul for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and strives unremittingly.

Make original contributions to the enrichment and development of Marxist cultural theory

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The major proposition of adapting Marxism to the times and adapting it to China determines that we must not abandon the soul of Marxism and the root of China’s excellent traditional culture.” Marxist cultural theory is Xi Jinping’s It provides an important source for the formation of cultural ideas. General Secretary Xi Jinping insists on actively building a socialist cultural system with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of Marxist positions and viewpoints, forming the cultural chapter of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. On the one hand, Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts attach great importance to the important value of China’s excellent traditional culture, so that excellent traditional culture such as “the world is for the public, morality is the foundation of things, the people are the foundation of the country, government is based on morality, reform the past and reform the past” in the process of building a strong socialist cultural country It radiates new vitality and integrates the unique spiritual identity and spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation throughout the entire process of the development of the party’s cultural undertakings, providing a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual power for comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. and favorable cultural conditions. On the other hand, Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts provide correct ideological guidance for the prosperity and development of culture in the new era. Cultural prosperity is the basis for building a culturally powerful country. She feels that she is full of hope and vitality at the moment. It is also an important part of building a new form of human civilization. Because of its profound historical heritage and extensive and profound Chinese culture, our country has become a veritable cultural power. However, a large cultural country does not mean a powerful cultural country. The key to changing from “big” to “strong” is to transform cultural “soft power” into “hard power” support. Adhere to the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, effectively integrate Marxism into activities in the ideological and cultural fields, and make China outstandingTraditional culture has moved to a higher level in the combination with Marxism, constantly enriched and developed Marxist cultural theory, brought the Chinese Marxist cultural theory to a new height, and written a new chapter of contemporary Chinese civilization. In the advanced cultural theory Under the guidance, we can better shoulder the new cultural mission.

Entering this silly child, she always felt that he was the one who made her sick back then. She felt like she had been trying to raise him for more than a dozen years until she was hollowed out and could no longer bear the pain. Entering the new era, the party and the country have put forward more new requirements for the development of Marxist cultural theory, planning and deploying the party’s propaganda, ideological and cultural work and cultural inheritance and development work. From the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, “firm cultural confidence, From promoting the prosperity of socialist culture” to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposing “promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement and creating new glory of socialist culture”, to the National Conference on Publicity, Ideology and Culture proposing “seven focuses”, all reflect the leadership of the party and the state. People’s accurate grasp of the laws of cultural development and a profound summary of Marxist cultural theory. “Seven Focuses” is not only a profound summary of practical experience in publicity, ideological and cultural work in the new era, but also a specific plan and deployment for future related work. It embodies the practical requirements of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts and has clear goal orientation and strong motivation. Realistic guidance. The “Seven Focuses” not only have ideological and value requirements, but also have specific work arrangements. The “seven focuses” are a system that has both general and divided parts, is connected from top to bottom, and coordinates both internal and external aspects. Among them, “strengthening the party’s leadership in publicity, ideological and cultural work” ranks first. It is in the position of managing the overall situation and managing the overall situation, which is enough to show the importance of the party’s leadership to cultural construction. The following “six efforts” and the “first effort” are by no means isolated or separated, but are organically integrated, internally connected, interdependent, and interactive, forming an organically unified system as a whole. On the basis of grasping the particularity of each point in the “seven efforts”, macro-social construction must be carried out with overall planning and overall promotion.

Major theoretical achievements of “two combinations”

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development: “The ‘second combination’ is another ideological emancipation, allowing us to make full use of the precious resources of China’s excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space, Explore theoretical and institutional innovations for the future. “As for the “two combinations”, from the formal proposal of “two combinations” in the July 1st speech in 2021 to the profound elaboration of the scientific connotation of “two combinations” in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. By 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development comprehensively and systematically explained the “two combinations”, and the theoretical and systematic systematization of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts has become increasingly apparent. Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts emphasize that culture is related to the foundation and destiny of the country, and emphasizes that without the prosperity of Chinese culture, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although the sources of Marxism and China’s excellent traditional culture are different, they are highly consistent with each other. Looking at the long time and space of history, we can find that the basic principles of MarxismThe combination with China’s excellent traditional culture is not a simple “platter” and “mixing” of “thoughts and ideas” and “culture and culture”, but rather insisting on serving the past for the present and the foreign for China, abandoning negative factors, inheriting positive ideas, and embracing the new The cultural inheritance, development, innovation and creation of the times have made regular understandings and principled explanations, creating a new cultural form. On the one hand, the “second combination” makes China’s excellent traditional culture modern. Excellent traditional culture is the “root” and “soul” of the Chinese nation and an important part of the formation of the national spirit. Marxism is rich in content and has many classic theories, but its fundamental purpose is to find liberation and a way out for mankind. Therefore, people’s nature is the essential attribute of Marxism. Comparing with the people-centered thought in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, classic statements such as “the people are the foundation of the country, and the country is in peace if the foundation is strong”, “the people are the most important, the country is second, and the monarch is the least”. The values ​​conveyed by the two are highly integrated. of. On the other hand, the “second combination” makes Marxism Chinese. Combining Marxism with Chinese reality is the Communist Party of China. His mother is a strange woman. He did not feel this way when he was young, but as he grows older, learns more and experiences more, this feeling becomes more and more obvious. The combination of the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional culture not only provides a national humanistic spirit for the spread of Marxism in China, but also focuses on the transformation of the worldview, solidifying the emotional foundation for the sinicization of Marxism, and making Marxism a truly Chinese of Marxism. In particular, the formulation and development of the important thesis “the second combination” illustrates that our party’s cultural consciousness and civilizational confidence have reached a new height. It is under this premise that adhering to the cultural traditions of the Chinese nation, conveying cultural spirit, and consolidating cultural subjectivity have become the unique contents of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, marking the maturity of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s profound explanation of the “Second Combination” shows that our party’s understanding of China’s path, theory, and system has reached a new height. It is our party’s profound summary of the historical experience of adapting Marxism to the times and highlighting the The great significance of the “second combination”. Today, the Communist Party of China continues to promote the “second combination” based on the profound foundation of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years. This is the regular understanding we have gained in exploring the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the greatest magic weapon for our success and provides It provides the fundamental basis for creating a new era, new culture, and new prosperity for the Chinese nation and building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation.

(This article is a phased result of the National Social Science Fund project “Research on the Integration of Socialist Core Values ​​into Xinjiang Social Life in the New Development Stage” (21XKS025))

 (The author is deputy dean and professor of the School of Marxism, Xinjiang Normal University, and executive director of the Ideological and Political Course Reform and Innovation Research Center in Xinjiang Universities)