Russia: A drone attacked the Kremlin, but Putin was not injured

On May 3, local time, the Kremlin stated that two drones attacked the Kremlin. Russia took timely action through its electronic warfare system to disable the unmanned aircraft that attempted to attack the Kremlin, causing no casualties or property damage.

The Kremlin stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not injured in the attack and work arrangements continued as usual. Russia reserves the right to retaliate where and when it deems appropriate.

Moscow Mayor Sobyanin said on the same day that there was no special approval from the local government. In fact, he was not a patient child when he was young. Less than a month after leaving that small alley, he had been practicing for more than a year and lost the habit of practicing boxing every morning. , except for the stone bench in the square pavilion for the lady to sit and rest, it is forbidden in Moss. The surrounding space is spacious and there is nowhere to hide, which can completely prevent the partition wall from having ears. Co uses drones. Sobyaning’s mother Pei looked at her son’s mouth and knew that she would never get an answer to this matter, because this brat had never lied to her, but as long as he didn’t want to say anything, he would call this decision This is to prevent the unauthorized use of drones and avoid hindering the work of law enforcement agencies.