Showing the new look of the people’s public servants and writing a new chapter of hard work and progress – the fifth Henan Province “Civil Servants Satisfied by the People” and “Civil Servants Collectively Satisfied by the People” sketches

 □Our reporter Liu Chan

On the occasion of in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee throughout the province, the fifth Henan Province “Civil Servants Satisfied by the People” and “Civil Servants Satisfied by the People” The “Collective” commendation conference was held to inspire and mobilize civil servants to strive for excellence and work hard to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan.

Showing responsibility in the big battle

In July 2021, many places in our province suffered from extremely heavy rain disasters. This experience is still unforgettable for Si Bing, secretary of the Party Committee of Liansi Town, Fugou County.

Facing the sudden flood situation, she led the village cadres to brave the rain overnight for rescue and disaster relief, and completed the relocation of 25,302 people within 12 hours. Faced with the danger of the embankment bursting and overflowing, she held on to the belief that “people are there, the embankment is there”, and used people to carry her shoulders to heighten and strengthen the 10-kilometer river embankment by about 1.5 meters.

“As a lesbian, if you ask me if I am afraid, and tell the truth, I am really afraid.” Si Bing said emotionally. At that time, she kept persuading herself: “I am the backbone of the 55,000 people in the town, and I cannot be afraid. .”

She can’t remember how many times her clothes were wet and wet, let alone how many times her feet were scratched and inflamed, and her throat was hoarse and she lost her voice. All she remembered was the scene of leading cadres and the masses to work together to defend their homeland. scene.

It felt really strange to be in a hurry, but she wanted to thank God for allowing her to retain the memories of all the experiences she had experienced, so that she would not make the same mistakes again and know what to do and what not to do. What she should do now is to be a considerate and considerate daughter so that her parents will no longer feel sad and worried about her. Despite the difficult and dangerous tasks, our province still has a large number of pioneers and role models among the civil servants who are fearless and rushing to the front——

When the COVID-19 epidemic was at its most severe, Fang Ziqin, a cadre of the Zhengzhou Municipal Medical Security Bureau, worked 18-20 hours a day and fought on the front line of epidemic prevention and control for 5 months;

Zhang Shijiang, a policeman from the Shuguang Road Police Station of the Beiguan Branch of the Anyang Municipal Public Security Bureau, bravely rescued people who fell into the water. In wind, rain, and floods, he set out immediately wherever he needed help…

Show your talents in reform and innovation

In recent years, innovative development has become the main theme and strongest voice of modernizing Henan. Among the civil servants, the “vanguards” of reform and innovation and the “intelligent stars” who are capable in business are passionately engaged in the vivid practice of promoting high-quality development.

How can we leverage the advantages of straw resources and increase farmers’ income? This question has been lingering in Zhang Xiaoling’s mind for many years.

As a cadre of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, she has been working with farmers, going to farmland, and running cattle pens all year round. She has participated in promoting the introduction of action plans related to the development of the beef and dairy industry, and vigorously promoted the “conversion of straw into meat into milk” and value-added transformation. .

The corn stalks that were burned in the past have increased to 500 to 600 yuan per ton, and the wheat straw has also become a “sweet pastry”… Speaking of the benefits that the farmers have received, Zhang Xiaoling feels gratified and proud from the bottom of her heart.

Focusing on the “Ten Major Strategies” and “Ten Major Constructions”, in their positions, planning their policies, performing their duties, and fulfilling their responsibilities, the majority of civil servants strive to seek breakthroughs through reform and seek development through innovation.

Chen Weibin of Sanmenxia Municipal Science and Technology Bureau has long been on the front line of scientific and technological innovation, promoting the overcoming of 357 “stuck neck” technical and production problems;

Shang Fenghui of the Luoyang Old Town Culture and Tourism Bureau led his team to create an immersive cultural tourism project, using “culture + digital” to help backstreets and alleys rejuvenate; too bad, what should I do now? Because the problem he didn’t have time to speak was related to his wedding night, and the problem was not resolved, so he could not proceed to the next step…

Sun Jian of the Rural Revitalization Bureau of Zhumadian City participated in the exploration of “A severely disabled maid from a poor family is willing to stay with the lady and serve me all her life.” This lady has been a slave for her whole life. The “concentrated care” model is promoted across the country to effectively solve the problem of poverty-stricken disabled people stably getting out of poverty…

Serve the people and keep our original intention

“Mom, you always said that you were eating alone at home, chatting, and time passed quickly. Now you have Yu Hua and two girls at home. I will be bored later. One of the goals of education is to “fulfill the purpose and benefit the people”, which is to educate and guide party members and cadres to firmly establish a people-centered development idea, and to make work that benefits the people’s livelihood, warms the people’s hearts, and complies with the people’s hearts and minds.

In recent years, the Chicheng Sub-district Office of Shangcheng County has relied on the “easy to discuss anything” consultation and discussion platform to collect social conditions and public opinion, carry out democratic consultations, solve problems for the people, and do a lot of practical things.

“Under the guidance of long-term consultations, the masses have changed from ‘running up’ when encountering problems to ‘doing it themselves’ to solve difficult problems, and the atmosphere of autonomy has become increasingly strong.” said Li Maofu, secretary of the party working committee of the street.

, it made him feel amazing and his heart beat faster. Li Maofu was very excited to receive the commendation this time. As for happiness in marriage or life, she will not force it, but she will never give up. She will try her best to get it. He said: “We must use honor as the driving force, continue to do every little thing well, seize every minute and second, and strive to create a higher quality life for the people in the streets.”

Sincerely relying on the masses, the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Hebi Municipal Party Committee has always adhered to and developed the “Fengqiao Experience” in the new era, relied on the masses to resolve conflicts around the masses, and improved the effectiveness of resolving conflicts and disputes.

To truly reach out to the masses, the Mass and Youth League Work Department of the Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee directly serves as a bridge and link to integrate the effective resources of the mass organizations and continue to carry out activities such as mutual aid for major diseases of the provincial government.

Serving the masses with sincerity, Xixia County Education and Sports Bureau strives to satisfy the peopleWith education as the goal, efforts will be made from policy support, capital investment, human resources and other aspects to ensure the healthy development of education in the county.

Learn from the models and pay tribute to the advanced! Always putting the party and the people at the top of our hearts, a team of high-quality professional civil servants that reassures the party and satisfies the people is growing in the Central Plains.