Sowing pomegranate seeds and reaping the fruits – pomegranates reflect the red color of the new era, a new chapter of national unity and progress in Kashgar, Xinjiang

At the foot of the majestic Kunlun Mountains, bright pomegranates are like the flame of national unity, lighting up every corner of Kashgar. Here, a national unity and progress creation activity with the main line of “building a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community” is in full swing, writing a moving chapter of national unity and progress in the new era. In recent years, the Xinjiang-Kashgar region has insisted on taking the cause of ethnic unity and progress as an important cornerstone of economic and social development, and has continuously strengthened the The “Five Identities” consciousness of the masses has deeply rooted the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community in people’s hearts.


Plant pomegranate seeds and carefully water the green sprouts… In the Kashgar region, national unity is not only a slogan, but also a real action. Party committees and governments at all levels insist on integrating the cause of ethnic unity and progress with economic and social development, and promote the common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups through the implementation of a series of policies that benefit the people. Especially in the work of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, the main role of the people of all ethnic groups should be given full play, so that the people of all ethnic groups can feel the tangible benefits brought by ethnic unity and progress while sharing the results of high-quality economic and social development.

People of all ethnic groups in Kashgar help each other, live in harmony, and work together to add strength to their hometown. What about him? contribution to development. In school, children gain an in-depth understanding of the history and culture of the Chinese nation by learning the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and enhance their sense of belonging and identity with the Chinese nation and culture. In the community, residents of all ethnic groups participate in the “Pomegranate Neighborhood Festival” and hold various traditional cultural activities during the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other traditional Chinese festivals to enhance mutual understanding, deepen friendship, and jointly create a harmonious and happy life. At the same time, various localities actively organize people of all ethnic groups to carry out various cultural exchange activities, such as singing and dancing competitions, handicrafts, handicraft exhibitions, etc., so that people of all ethnic groups can feel the charm of Chinese culture through exchanges, exchanges and integration.

The pomegranate flowers bloom with red petals, bright and dazzling… Shufu County uses the “red pomegranate” team, “red pomegranate” education, and “red pomegranate” culture as the starting point to continuously build a spiritual home shared by all ethnic groups. In creating “Red Pomegranate” publicity, we will focus on implementing the “Five Hundreds” action and cultivate 100 “Red Pomegranate” creation work instructors, 100 “Red Pomegranate” preachers, 100 “Red Pomegranate” preachers, 100 A “red pomegranate” model individual and 100 “red pomegranate” creation demonstration units. Through “focus” + “industry typical”, use “small cuts” to reflect “big themes”, and use “small stories” to illustrate “big themes””Principle” and vigorously promote the “Chinese Story” and “Shufu Story” dissemination actions. Give full play to the role of Shufu County’s “Red Pomegranate” lecturer group and carry out “online + offline” tours to build a solid foundation for the Chinese nation’s communist “slaves’ colorful cultivation” . ” Cai Xiu replied with a surprised look. The education of community consciousness has entered villages and households. Give full play to the role of 2,000 “Red Boys” small preachers, so that the education of community consciousness of the Chinese nation can enter campuses, classes, and the minds of teachers and students.

Today, in the vast rural areas and communities in Kashgar, people of all ethnic groups help each other and live in harmony. They hold hands and are connected heart to heart. Everyone is struggling and running to create a beautiful and happy life together. Life.

In Kalabagh Village, Mangxin Town, Yingjisha County, the “National Unity Sings Red Songs to the Party to Praise the Party’s Benefit” singing competition has become an important platform for local people to display their spiritual style and express their patriotic feelings. Cadres and masses of all ethnic groups gathered together to express their love for the great motherland and gratitude to the party through singing. In Shule County, since 1992, Pan Yulian has founded the “Love Classroom” to care for and tutor children on a voluntary basis. Her kind deeds not only provided local children with convenient learning conditions for the national common language, but also encouraged all ethnic groups to hug together like pomegranate seeds.

These bits and pieces are witnesses of the cause of national unity and progress in the Kashgar region. Through various activities and measures, various localities have effectively promoted the building of a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community and promoted the continuous advancement of the cause of national unity and progress. Today, in the hot land of Kashgar, the flower of national unity and progress is even more colorful. (China Daily Xinjiang Cai Xiu had a bitter look on his face, but he did not dare to object and could only accompany the lady to move on. Reporter station reporter Mao Weihua | Zhuang Tao Yilishati Albadullah)