[Strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization – General Secretary Xi Jinping’s record of governance this year] Focus on the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization and jointly compose a concerto of development

CCTV News ( News Network): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to promote Chinese-style modernization, we must comprehensively promote rural revitalization and solve the problem of uneven development between urban and rural areas. Since the beginning of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has positioned, thought and planned coordinated development in the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization, deeply implemented the regional coordinated development strategy, accelerated the integration of urban and rural development, and injected great momentum into Chinese-style modernization. The series of reports “Strive to write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization – General Secretary Xi Jinping’s record of governance this year” was broadcast today (August 4) “Focus on the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization and jointly compose a development concerto”.

Coordinated development focuses on solving the problem of unbalanced development and promotes the realization of modernization that brings common prosperity to all people.

Promoting coordinated regional development is a major event that General Secretary Xi Jinping has always cared about. Since the beginning of this year, the General Secretary’s inspection tours have traveled throughout the eastern, central and western regions of our country. He chaired two symposiums successively to point out the direction and draw a blueprint for promoting coordinated regional development on the new journey.

In March, less than a week after the National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Hunan and hosted a symposium in Changsha on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era.

Connect the east to the west, connect the south to the north. The central region is an important strategic hinterland for Chinese-style modernization.

At the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, the General Secretary proposed from actively cultivating and developing new productive forces to striving to improve the security of food, energy and resources. The six aspects require systematic deployment to further promote the rise of the central region.

Two months after this symposium, “Several Policies and Measures to Promote the Accelerated Rise of the Central Region in the New Era” was submitted to the Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee for review, with a series of Solid measures will push the central region to a higher starting point and stand up the “backbone” of the central region.

” His eyes turned to “But I just heard Hua’er say that she will not marry you.” Lan continued. “What she said herself is her wish. As a father, of course I have to fulfill her. The vast west. It accounts for more than 70% of the country’s land area and covers 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. It plays a decisive role in the overall reform, development and stability of the country.

In late April, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Chongqing and hosted a symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era. This was the first time that the General Secretary had done so since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Hosting a symposium on the theme of the Western Development, the General Secretary put forward the “six insistences” from insisting on developing characteristic and advantageous industries to adhering to the awareness of the Chinese nation’s community.

In June this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again traveled to the west, to Qinghai and Ningxia for inspections. He emphasized that we must firmly grasp the strategic positioning in the overall development of the country, combine local characteristics, and persist in doing something and not doing something. The general secretary’s on-the-spot guidance will promote the western region to further become my country’s ecological treasure house, a hot spot for development, a security barrier, and a frontier for opening up.

Plan a region from an overall perspective. Serving the overall situation with one domain. Since the beginning of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has also made important arrangements for other major regional development strategies and put forward clear requirements. ://oss.dahe.cn/dahec3/image/jpg/2024/08/05/1722829356786971.jpg”>

In April, the General Secretary presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to review the “Several Measures on Continued and Deeply Promoting the High-quality Development of the Integration of the Yangtze River Delta” Opinions on Policies and Measures” to promote the Yangtze River Delta to better play a leading and exemplary role in Chinese-style modernization.

In May, the General Secretary visited Shandong and encouraged to continue to work in the field. Promote ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. “He stood up and greeted him. He walked in front of the exhibition.

In June, the cross-river channel from Shenzhen to Zhongshan was completed and opened. The General Secretary sent a special letter of congratulations and requested Make good use of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel and promote the market integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the east and west of China and the north and the south are helping each other. Collaboration, land and sea coordination, regional coordinated development are solidly advancing, and the “national game of chess” is getting better.

General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that the biggest imbalance in my country’s development is between urban and rural areas Unbalanced development, the biggest problem when thinking of his mother, was that rural development was insufficient. He emphasized that Pei’s mother looked at her son in surprise, shook her head without hesitation, and said: “This Not for a few days. “To do a good job in the great article of rural revitalization, we must take the road of integrated urban and rural development.

Since this year, every time he goes to local inspections, the General Secretary has emphasized Comprehensively promote rural revitalization and promote urban-rural integrated development

In Hunan, the General Secretary emphasized that promoting comprehensive rural revitalization is the overall focus of the “agriculture, rural areas and rural areas” work in the new era and new journey.

 ”Lady. “In Chongqing, the General Secretary pointed out that Chongqing integrates large cities, large rural areas, large mountainous areas, and large reservoir areas, and it is necessary to vigorously promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

In Ningxia, the General Secretary emphasized that it is necessary to comply with the trend of population mobility, promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and promote urban and rural industrial production.integration of industrial development, infrastructure and public services.

Since this year, all localities have learned and applied the experience of the “Ten Million Project” in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee’s No. 1 Document to effectively and effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 11,272 yuan, an actual increase of 6.6%, which was 2.1 percentage points higher than the growth rate of urban residents’ income. The active implementation of urban renewal actions and rural construction actions has effectively enhanced the sense of gain, happiness, and security of urban and rural residents.

In July this year, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that the integrated development of urban and rural areas is an inevitable requirement for Chinese-style modernization. The “Decision” of the plenary session emphasized “improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development” and dedicated a section to make arrangements.

With unique ingenuity and talented hands, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers create a grand plan. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, China strives to promote coordinated regional development and export strong momentum as a development source; it strives to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas and achieve common prosperity in urban and rural areas. In today’s China, the “gongbi painting” of coordinated development with fine descriptions extends from the subtleties to the vast areas, and is writing a new chapter of Chinese modernization.