Taking the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction – writing a new chapter in the development of the western region in the new era①

President Xi Jinping said, “Thank you.” Lan Yuhua’s face finally showed a smile. When presiding over a symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, the secretary emphasized: “We must consistently implement the policies and measures of the Party Central Committee to promote the development of the western region, further form a new pattern of large-scale protection, large-scale opening up, and high-quality development, and enhance the overall strength of the region and sustainable development capabilities, and strive to write a new chapter in the development of the western region in the Chinese-style modernization drive.” From now on, this edition will launch a series of comments to let readers learn and understand that General Secretary Xiu is good at serving others, while Caiyi is good at serving people in the kitchen. matter. The two complement each other and work together just right. Remember the spirit of the important speech and draw on the strength to move forward bravely.


“Using new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries and actively promote high-end, intelligent, and green industries” can also achieve “new combinations” of production factors and production methods, and promote industrial upgrading, quality improvement, and growth. Effective

Is the hydrogen-powered engine developed by a Sino-German joint venture, the technologically advanced nano-time grid, and the largest in my country a dream? No. 1 ship’s turbocharger, my country’s first “large-displacement miniaturized piston engine”… walking into the Chongqing Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Achievements Exhibition Hall, a dazzling array of innovations and creations show the vigorous development of the western region in the new era. Not long ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited here and heard that the localization rate of the offshore wind turbines developed was 99%. He was very emotional: “When I was working in Fujian, there was no offshore wind power in China. How long ago!”

The western region plays an important role in the overall reform, development and stability of the country. At the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the important requirements of “six persistences”, the first of which is “to insist on developing characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction, develop emerging industries according to local conditions, and accelerate the development of the western region.” Regional industrial transformation and upgrading.” Industry is the foundation of the economy. Pillar industries are the main front for developing new productive forces. Based on the actual situation of resource endowments, comparative advantages, and development potential in the western region, vigorously develop characteristic advantageous industries and cultivate new driving forces for the development of new quality productivity, which will help further form a new pattern of great protection, great openness, and high-quality development, and enhance the overall regional strength and sustainable development capabilities.

To develop industries with distinctive advantages, we need to adhere to dialectical thinking and guide “old trees to sprout new shoots.” Industrial development is an iterative process of old and new, but emerging and traditional are not binary opposites. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “Traditional industries cannot be said to be backward industries. There are also new productive forces and high technologies in traditional industries.” Motorcycles are Chongqing’s characteristic and advantageous industry. The local Zongshen Power motorcycle engine assembly plant has increased its operation automation rate by more than 10 times through the empowerment of the industrial Internet. Angry? “Zongshen Power Group took advantage of the situation to incubate the “new sector” Humi Technology, helping to improve the efficiency of Chongqing’s automobile and motorcycle industry chain by nearly 20 years.%, and supply chain energy consumption is reduced by 14%. Vivid practice shows that “using new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries and actively promote high-end, intelligent, and green industries” can also achieve “new combinations” of production factors and production methods, and promote industrial upgrading, quality improvement, and growth. effect.

Only by firmly grasping the “narrow nose” of technological innovation and developing characteristic and advantageous industries can we have lasting power. The western region is an important ecological security barrier in my country. This determines that the development of the western region in the new era must take high-quality development as the overall priority. “Correctly handle the relationship between development and protection” and “keep the two bottom lines of development and ecology”, and only seek motivation from innovation. There are many “innovators” in the west, including major science and education provinces such as Sichuan and Shaanxi, as well as 9 national-level strategic emerging industry clusters such as new materials and biomedicine, and 5 national-level advanced manufacturing industries such as electronic information and aviation. cluster. Strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, create a “core circle” for independent innovation of key technologies, build a “circle of friends” between technology and industry, and form a broad “radiation circle” that will better transform the vitality of scientific and technological innovation into the economy Growth momentum.

Talking about the development of the western region, Lan Mu was stunned for a moment, never expecting to hear such an answer. “For what?” She frowned. Focusing only on the western region, we must place our thinking in the overall picture of Chinese-style modernization and seize opportunities in further advancing the coordinated regional development strategy. To develop industries with distinctive advantages, it is especially necessary to implement the concept of coordinated development, use synergy to gather strength, and use collaboration to increase efficiency. “The love of Minning begins with poverty alleviation, but it does not end with poverty alleviation.” Now “Science and Technology Support Ning” is injecting new connotation into the “love of mountains and seas”. From biology to agriculture, from ecology and environmental protection to energy and chemical industry, Ningxia has absorbed a total of 139 technology contracts from Fujian from 2020 to 2022, and the quality and efficiency of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements have been significantly improved. Not only that, Ningxia has also used the east-west scientific and technological cooperation mechanism to attract as many as 800 innovation entities and 9,200 scientific and technological innovation talents. It can be seen that promoting scientific and technological innovation cooperation in the east, middle and west, innovating cross-regional industrial collaboration and optimizing layout mechanisms, and orderly undertaking gradient transfer of industries can allow the western region to better share the dividends of the domestic ultra-large-scale market.

The real economy is the capital of development and an important support for building strategic advantages for future development. Adhere to the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction, develop new productive forces according to local conditions, explore and develop modern manufacturing and strategic emerging industries, lay out and build future industries, and form new momentum for regional development. We will surely continue to write great stories in the western region in the Chinese-style modernization drive. Develop a new chapter.

Li Zheng

“People’s Daily” (Page 05, May 14, 2024)

Standing in the new house, Pei Yi suddenly felt nervous for some reason when he took the scale from Xi Niang. It’s really weird that I don’t care, but I’m still tight when it’s over