Tanghe County Procuratorate: “Five Stars” lead the collective efforts to write a new chapter for the people

Dahe Net News Since this year, the Party branch of the Fifth Procuratorate Department of Tanghe County Procuratorate has taken the creation of a “five-star” party branch as a starting point to further promote the party branch Standardization and standardization construction, focusing on building the party branch into the organization’s acceptance point, gathering point, and driving force, leading and ensuring high-quality business development with high-quality party building.

Strengthen the theoretical arm and control the “steering wheel” of political loyalty. The more clearly you know, the more earnestly you will act. Every week, one branch carries out political studies, with party members and police officers taking the lead, forming a radiation effect of “party members and cadres leading party members and backbones, and party members and party members and police officers”. Use the party’s innovative theory to interpret the concept of procuratorial work in the new era, unify case handling thinking, integrate political learning and party spirit training into every case handling, and complete conceptual changes and case handling turns through learning, thinking and practice.

Proactively perform duties in accordance with the law and polish the “new foundation” of the party building brand. The police officers of this branch kept in mind the original intention of party members to serve the people in the practice of handling cases, and the technical department of the Joint Institute independently developed a legal supervision platform for judicial assistance for special groups to empower the discovery of clues for judicial assistance. It has realized the transformation of judicial assistance from “people looking for policies” to “policies looking for people”, and from “waiting” to apply to “opening the door” to find cases. Relying on the “Gardenia Blossoms Studio” created by this court, we carry out family education guidance, psychological consultation, help and legal publicity, etc., forming a six-pronged protection pattern of justice, family, school, society, government and the Internet to better comprehensive judicial protection Protect the healthy growth of minors.

Do Shixiu is good at serving others, while Caiyi is good at things in the kitchen. The two complement each other and work together just right. The procuratorial work serves the people and explores the “optimal solution” to resolve conflicts. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to and develop the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era, a publicity week activity is carried out in the central city, and the judicial assistance publicity is carried out with the purpose of “rescue when possible”, comprehensive, timely and effective To help the people in need, the real “rescue” lies in the idea, and the “help” is in the hearts of the people, winning the initiative to resolve social conflicts and repairing damaged social relations. A police officer from this branch was rated as an advanced individual in the practice of “doing practical things for the people” by the national procuratorial organs.

Form a strong team and consolidate the “hard responsibilities” of branch party building. In the construction of the branch, we will strengthen leadership and make solid progress in accordance with the “five-star” standards. Combined with the actual situation of the branch, study and formulate assessment opinions on party building work to achieve “three haves” and “five things in common”, namely: plans at the beginning of the year, arrangements every month, and general arrangements at the end of the year.We must adhere to the same plan, arrangement, implementation, evaluation and summary for star creation and business work.

Activating the “pool of spring water” of grassroots party organizations requires every party member to adhere to the standard of seeking truth from facts, neither belittle oneself nor be too ambitious. We must ensure that “you can get it with just one jump”, and with the spirit of hard work and hard work of “not following dreams, not pursuing false claims”, we will work together to create “five stars” and draw a new “blue” picture. (Wang Lili Zhang Lala)