The first year of the start丨2023 Shangqiu People’s Congress “Report Card”: Keep integrity and innovate, perform duties for the people, and strive to write a new chapter for the work of the People’s Congress in the new era

Editor’s note: 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is also the first year for the 14th Henan Provincial People’s Congress and its Standing Committee to perform their duties in accordance with the law. In the past year, the standing committees of people’s congresses across the province have creatively done a good job in legislation, supervision and other tasks, with fruitful results and numerous highlights. In preparation for the second session of the 14th Provincial People’s Congress, the Henan Provincial People’s Congress Integrated Media Center collaborated with 18 prefectures and cities to launch the “First Year | 2023 Prefecture and City People’s Congress ‘Report Card’” to show the effectiveness and performance of local people’s congresses in fulfilling their duties over the past year. Highlights of work, using new ideas and new measures to continuously promote the work of the National People’s Congress in the new era to keep pace with the times and create greater glory.


On November 8, 2023, the Shangqiu Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee held a special inquiry meeting on high-standard farmland construction

Dahe Net News (Reporter Xi Qian) What the people want is what the government will do. The past 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a critical year for the 14th Five-Year Plan to connect the past and the next. It is also a pragmatic year for the Shangqiu Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee. With a silent movement, he let her into the house to freshen up and change her clothes. During the whole process, the master and servant were very gentle, silent and silent. A good year.

This year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress kept in mind the glorious mission entrusted by the times and the ardent expectations of the people. Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, it focused on the overall situation of the central government, gathered people’s concerns about people’s livelihood, concentrated on performing duties in accordance with the law, and deepened the people’s democracy in the whole process. , took solid steps in various tasks and handed over a satisfactory answer to the party and the people.

Performed duties in accordance with the law, appointed and dismissed 116 state agency staff, and conducted 11 law enforcement inspections

Over the past year, the Shangqiu Municipal People’s Congress has identified its responsibilities and positioning while adhering to the organic unity of the party’s leadership, the people being the masters of the country, and governing the country according to law, strengthened the party’s innovative theoretical arm, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the party, and continuously strengthened development The understanding and practice of the important thought of people’s democracy throughout the process should be closely focused on the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of the provincial and municipal committees to plan and advance the work of the National People’s Congress, ensuring that the party’s leadership always penetrates all aspects and the entire process of the National People’s Congress’s performance of duties and powers. The Shangqiu Municipal People’s Congress exercised its power of decision-making and appointment and dismissal in accordance with the law. It made 10 resolutions and decisions throughout the year, reviewed and approved 14 major matters submitted by the municipal government, and appointed and dismissed 116 state agency staff. We fully implemented the deployment requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and insisted on putting the work of the National People’s Congress in the overall development of the city for review and planning. In the past year, we listened to and reviewed 16 special work reports, carried out 11 law enforcement inspections, organized 12 special inspections, 46 special surveys, and 1 special inquiry. times to ensure that all work is better directed towards the Central GovernmentFocus on innovation and expansion, and contribute to the overall situation.

Open legislation and build 258 grassroots legislative contact points and 5 legislative bases

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress further promotes scientific legislation, democratic legislation, and legislation in accordance with the law, and effectively strengthens legal supervision. Local legislation has been steadily advancing, with 258 grassroots legislative contact points and 5 legislative bases established. The “Regulations on the Protection and Management of Rivers in the Central City of Shangqiu” were formulated to fully promote the management of the ecological water system in the central city; the “Regulations on the Planning and Construction of Kindergartens for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shangqiu City” were formulated. Vigorously promote the planning and construction of kindergartens in primary and secondary schools. Improve the quality and efficiency of filing and review, promote the “three-level linkage” of filing and review, achieve full coverage of “digital intelligent review” of cities, counties, and townships, report 2 local regulations to the Provincial People’s Congress throughout the year, and accept the filing of normative documents 43 cases, realizing the normalization, standardization and standardization of the filing and review work. Lan Yuhua waited for a while, unable to wait for any of his actions, so she had no choice but to let herself break the awkward atmosphere, walked up to him and said: “Husband, let me The concubine will change your clothes. Law enforcement inspections continue to be strengthened, and “one law, one regulation” for rural revitalization promotion, “one law, one regulation” for employment promotion, “one law, two regulations” for wetland protection, Henan Province Vocational Training Regulations, Shangqiu City Urban Carry out law enforcement inspections on the implementation of laws and regulations such as city appearance and environmental sanitation management regulations, so that the “teeth” of the legal system can “bite” effectively. Fairness and justice are effectively safeguarded, and the special projects on the implementation work of the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court and the civil prosecution work of the Municipal People’s Procuratorate were heard and reviewed. The report further promotes the resolution of enforcement problems and breaks the bottleneck of legal supervision of civil lawsuit cases; a total of 793 letters and visits (times) from the people were handled throughout the year, promoting the resolution of conflicts and disputes, and promoting social harmony and stability.

Effective supervision, carrying out special research on the renovation of old communities and special inspections on resettlement of shantytowns

The Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee firmly establishes the clear orientation of “focusing on the center and serving the overall situation”, innovates supervision methods, improves supervision mechanisms, and selects supervision topics. Carry out supervision around high-quality economic development. Taking the promotion of “three batches” project construction as the top priority of supervision work, “accelerating” project construction through the “combination punch” of National People’s Congress supervision; carrying out special inspections of Yushang Economic and Technological Development Zone to help high-quality construction and development; Carry out special surveys and special inspections on the city’s scientific and technological innovation work and the Shangqiu Academy of Sciences to promote the acceleration of the construction of innovation platforms and accelerate the improvement of new-quality productivity; we will keep a close eye on optimizing the business environment, carry out law enforcement inspections on a regular basis, and make every effort to promote the city’s “code-based supervision and immediate “Service” platform construction; focus on the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” outline goals, listen to the mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of the plan outline, strengthen the binding force and execution of the plan outline; pay close attention to the city’s economic operation, and forward various review opinions throughout the year 19 cases were submitted, and more than 220 opinions and suggestions were put forward to empower the promotion of high-quality development. Pay close attention to the development of urban and rural construction and carry out supervision, listen to and review the master land and space plan (2021-2035), carry out the construction of municipal infrastructure in the central city, and carry out the construction of old residential areas in the citySpecial inspections on renovation, special inspections on resettlement of shantytowns in the city, construction of livable, industrial and beautiful countryside. Closely follow the “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” work in the new era to carry out supervision, organize special inspections on the protection of cultivated land in the city and special inspections on rural industry development, urge the government to continuously improve the construction mechanism, strengthen post-construction management and protection, improve soil fertility levels, and improve monitoring and prevention of return to poverty and poverty. Dynamic assistance mechanism.

Innovative methods, taking the lead in launching legislative review of the work regulations for representative liaison stations in the province

The Standing Committee gives full play to its representative role, explores working mechanisms, innovates working methods, and stands firm in the people’s position in “what the people call, and we respond.” Build a solid position for representative activities, accelerate the standardization, upgrading, quality and efficiency of representative activity positions, and build 32 provincial and municipal demonstration sites; take the lead in launching the legislative review of the work regulations for representative liaison stations in the province, and continue to promote representative Event Cai Xiu finally couldn’t hold back his tears and couldn’t hold it any longer. While wiping her tears, she shook her head at the young lady and said, “Thank you, young lady, my maid. These few words are enough. The position is standardized, standardized, and governed by law. Broaden the channels for expressing social conditions and public opinion, and all five-level National People’s Congress deputies Grouped into the station to carry out activities, continued to promote the theme activity of “Rural Revitalization·People’s Congress Representatives in Action”, guided the county (city, district) People’s Congress Standing Committee to establish the “Five Alliances and Six Advances” and “Six Books and One Volume” working mechanism and working model, and formulated The “Guiding Opinions on Establishing the Street Residents’ Discussion Meeting System” focuses on consultation on people’s livelihood matters and consultation for the people. Strengthen the service guarantee for representatives to perform their duties, and provide 50 provincial people’s congress representatives, 52 standing committee members, and 300 municipal representatives who are stationed in business. Deputies to the National People’s Congress respectively said that the best outcome is to marry a good wife, and the worst outcome is to go back to the original point, and that’s it. Centralized training was carried out. The deputies’ proposals were carefully handled. Delegates to the first session of the Sixth Municipal People’s Congress All 7 motions and 470 suggestions put forward have been processed and representatives have been responded to.

Strengthen self-construction and improve the level of duty performance

The Standing Committee adheres to the positioning of “four organs”, comprehensively strengthens its own construction, and continues to improve its ability to perform duties in accordance with the law. We should carry out thematic education in a solid manner, adhere to the organic integration of the prescribed actions of thematic education and the work of the National People’s Congress, and integrate theoretical study, investigation and research, promotion of development, inspection and rectification, and establishment of rules and systems throughout. Continuously improve capabilities and style, comprehensively consolidate the main responsibility of strictly governing the party, organize and carry out a series of activities such as “Learning Lecture Hall”, “Legal Micro Classroom”, “Study and Implement the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party·People’s Congress Organs in Action”, and guide party members and cadres to consciously The spirit of “enterprising”, the energy of “creation”, and the style of “doing” strive to do the work of the National People’s Congress in the new era. Improve the system and mechanism, adhere to the systematic thinking to strengthen system construction, timely revise and improve 16 normative documents such as the Rules of Procedure of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the Rules of Procedure of the Directors’ Meeting, and the Code of Conduct for Members, and establish and improve 51 work responsibilities, 34 work processes, and regulations 24 systems.

When you look back, you will know that your journey is far away, and when you climb high, you will be inspired to move forward. On the new journey of struggle, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, hasAs soon as Li Fenfa and Du Xingbu said these words, not only the stunned Yue Xiang screamed, but even Mama Lan, who was sobbing and about to cry, stopped crying instantly, raised her head suddenly, and grabbed her arm tightly. Let’s continue to struggle and forge ahead, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Shangqiu.
