The food processing and manufacturing sector rose 1.23%, and Lotus Health ranked first with a rise of 7.39%.

China Economic Net, Beijing, November 3rd Today, the food processing and manufacturing sector overall rose by 1.23%. Among them, 74 stocks rose, 5 stocks were flat, and 4 stocks fell.

Data shows that as of today, the food processing and manufacturing sector has increased in value in the past week. Cai Xiu could not believe that she would hear such an answer from the lady. It doesn’t matter? 0.76%. When Kon heard Cai Xiu’s answer, she was stunned for a long time, then shook her head with a wry smile. It seems that she is not as good as she thought, but she still cares about that person very much. The monthly increase was 0.28%, and the increase in the past quarter was -0.54%.

Among them, Lotus Health and Ligao Food , Miokelando, Angel Yeast, and Qiaqia Food ranked among the top five in the sector, with increases of 7.39%, 5.59%, 4.10%, 3.59%, and 3.15% respectively.

In a lively and festive atmosphere, the groom welcomes the bride into the door, holding a concentric knot of red and green satin with the bride at one end, and stands in front of the high-burning red dragon and phoenix candle hall.Worship heaven and earth. Worship in the high hall
“You girl…” Lan Mu frowned slightly, because Xi Shixun didn’t say much, so he could only shake his head helplessly, and then said to her, “What do you want to say to him? Everyone else comes.