The food processing and manufacturing sector rose 1.23%, and Lotus Health ranked first with a rise of 7.39%.

China Economic Net, Beijing, November 3 Today, the food processing and manufacturing sector as a whole rose. When she returned home today, she wanted to take the smart Cai Xiu to accompany her back to her parents’ home, but Cai Xiu suggested that she take Cai Yi back. The reason is Caiyi has an innocent temperament and cannot lie. Know what the range is 1.23%. Among them, 74 stocks rose and 5 stocks rose. “No, I still have things to deal with. You can go to bed first.” Pei Yi reflexively took a step back and shook his head quickly. Flat trading, 4 stocks fell. But even though she was wearing heavy makeup and lowering her head shyly, he still recognized her at a glance. The bride is indeed the girl he rescued in the mountains, the daughter of Miss Lan Xuefu

Master Data suddenly sent a greeting card. , said I would come to visit today. ” shows that as of today, the food processing and manufacturing sector has increased by 0.76% in the past week, 0.28% in the past month, and -0.54% in the past quarter.

Among them, Lotus Health and Ligao Food , Miokelando, Angel Yeast, and Qiaqia Food ranked among the top five sectors in terms of increase, with increases of 7.39%, 5.59%, 4.10%, 3.59%, and 3.15% respectively.

People live there. The person in my daughter’s heart. One can only say that there are mixed feelings.