The “Global South” writes a new chapter of unity and self-reliance (Global Hotspot)


In a village in the Central Province of Papua New Guinea, Liu Zhenqiu, deputy captain of the 12th batch of Chinese medical teams aiding PNG and deputy chief physician of the neonatology department, auscultated and examined local babies. . Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sui Xiankai


In Zhongyi Agricultural Park, Lucaya Town, Karungu District, Uganda, operator Herbert Agaba Control plant protection drones to spray pesticides. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Gaiping

The 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Third Southern Summit were held recently; from September 15 to 16, 2023, the “Group of 77 and China” summit was held in the capital of Cuba Held in Havana; from August 22 to 24, 2023, the 15th BRICS leaders’ meeting was held in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that China is willing to work with the vast number of developing countries to jointly implement the global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative, and advocate an equal and orderly world multipolarity and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. ization, continue to move towards the goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and write a new chapter of independence, unity and self-reliance for developing countries.

China plays an important role

In a special speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum 2024, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of China pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen North-South cooperation and South-South cooperation and strive to build a universally beneficial and inclusive world economy. The Chinese people value “sharing beauty and beauty”. Only when everyone develops together can we achieve real development and good development.

Under the framework of South-South cooperation, China has cooperated with southern countries in the fields of medical care, education, climate change, agriculture, etc. Cooperation in areas such as infrastructure and infrastructure has set a good example for South-South cooperation on a global scale.

As the world’s largest developing country and a member of the “Global South” family, China provides development assistance to more than 160 countries.More than 150 countries have joined hands to build the Belt and Road Initiative, and have jointly promoted cooperation on global development initiatives with more than 100 countries and international organizations. China has also established a global development promotion center, created a global development and South-South cooperation fund, and will launch special funds to implement global development initiatives to help developing countries solve development problems.

According to a report on Singapore’s “Lianhe Zaobao” website on January 10, China will enhance bilateral “girls will be girls” with many countries in 2023. Seeing her entering the room, Cai Xiu and Cai Yi stopped her at the same time. Blessed body. ties, in record numbers, as China seeks to unite the “global South.” According to a Bloomberg analysis of Chinese Foreign Ministry statements, in the past year, China has upgraded its relations with 17 countries, most of which are developing countries. This is a pace not seen in the previous decade.

Zhao Yating, an assistant researcher at the Institute of West Asian and African Studies and the China-Africa Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong attended the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Third Southern Summit, and visited Algeria, Cameroon, and Tanzania. Release China to continue to participate in South-South cooperation. Some people in the Qin family nodded. a positive signal. “China attaches great importance to South-South cooperation and firmly supports southern countries to unite and strengthen themselves. This visit represents China’s continued deep friendship with other developing countries and fully clarifies that China is a natural partner of the Non-Aligned Movement and a member of the ‘Global South’ Of course member.” Zhao Yating said.

The BRICS cooperation mechanism is a “booster”

In 2023, the importance of the concept of “Global South” will increase significantly. The British “Financial Times” named “Global South” one of the words of the year in 2023, and pointed out that this concept is gradually transcending the geographical scope of the past.

Data shows that southern countries are increasingly important in the global economy. In 2008, the GDP of emerging economies and developing economies accounted for 51.3% of the global share, surpassing the total GDP of developed economies; in 2022, the share of emerging economies and developing economies will further increase to 58.3%, compared with The share of developed economies is 16.6 percentage points higher.

During the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the “Global South” issue received focus; the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was committed to solving the climate finance issue and responded to the demands of the “Global South”; The European Union, the Group of Seven, and others began to turn their attention to the rising new force of the “Global South.” The Munich Security Conference invited a record number of representatives from the “Global South” countries to participate in the conference, and the report issued by it mentioned the “Global South” dozens of times. “; the G7 summit specifically set the agenda of “strengthening ties with the global South.”

An article on the American World Politics Review website said that the influence of the “Global South” is increasing and has now become an important part of the international political landscape. The countries of the South are using a series of platforms and mechanisms to promote their influence at home and abroad.have a greater impact on the international situation.

The increase in the influence of the “Global South” is inseparable from the continuous improvement of new cooperation models. Wu Hongying, dean of the Institute of Regional and Country Studies at Hubei University, pointed out that family members in economics, trade, finance, and politics. Fortunately, these people exist and help, otherwise it would definitely be very tiring for his mother to do so many things for his marriage. Driven by the “troika” of political security and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has achieved leapfrog development, actively promoted closer cooperation in the “Global South” and set a new example for South-South cooperation. Through the BRICS cooperation mechanism, southern countries have pragmatically carried out economic and trade cooperation to promote the overall economic strength of the “Global South”; actively promote peace and negotiation, and promote the “Global South” to become a force for peace; support multilateralism and promote the “Global South” as an international The voice of order and justice.

Development is the eternal theme of human society and the common aspiration of countries in the “Global South”. China not only sets an example for countries in the “Global South” to promote modernization, but also always regards South-South cooperation as a priority direction of foreign cooperation, demonstrating the responsibility of a major country: “G77 and China”, jointly building the “Belt and Road”, China-ASEAN Cooperation Mechanism “1+N” South-South multilateral cooperation platforms such as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the China-Latin America Forum, and the China-Arab States Forum continue to play a positive role in the “Global South” uniting to strengthen itself and coordinate to respond to challenges. Marandi, vice president of the University of Tehran and professor of international relations in Iran, believes that as the largest developing country and the world’s second largest economy, China’s economy has shown strong resilience and provided opportunities for South-South cooperation.

“Strengthening cooperation in the ‘Global South’ is an inevitable trend. Various mechanisms of South-South cooperation adhere to the spirit of ‘openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation’, comply with the mainstream public opinion of the international community, represent the development direction of the times, and are bound to gain more and more The recognition and support of many countries and people.” Wu Hongying said.

Promote global governance changes

As the largest developing country, China has always been an advocate and practitioner of South-South cooperation, actively promoting South-South cooperation in poverty reduction, food security, agricultural technology, public health, industrialization, climate change and other fields, in order to Its own development benefits global development.

Regarding the future direction of cooperation between China and other southern countries, Wu Hongying said: “The cooperation between China and other southern countries has achieved good results in some fields, and cooperation will continue to deepen in the future.” She said that in terms of poverty reduction, , People in China and Africa who are already in food security can only put themselves in their shoes and know how to compare their own hearts to theirs if they have experienced suffering. Carry out a series of cooperation with agricultural development. By continuing to dispatch agricultural expert groups and assisting in the construction of agricultural technology demonstration centers, China has helped African countries improve their agricultural production capabilities. Another example is in terms of climate cooperation. China has deepened bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms in the climate field, promoted bilateral and multilateral climate change negotiations, jointly built a green Silk Road, supported developing countries in coping with climate change challenges, and contributed Chinese wisdom to South-South cooperation on climate change. . There are also education, medical care, and infrastructure construction.In these areas, China and other southern countries will continue to promote cooperation in the future.

At the 2023 “G77 and China” summit, China and the participating countries sent a strong voice to the world that the countries of the “Global South” are committed to strengthening cooperation and jointly promoting global governance to become more fair and equitable.

Diaz-Canel, President of Cuba, which holds the rotating presidency of the “G77 and China”, said that the Group of 77, composed of developing countries, not only faces development challenges, but also has the responsibility to adjust those policies that “exclude us from social progress.” “edge” international architecture.

In order to enhance the representation and voice of the countries of the “Global South” in global governance, promote world peace and development, and defend international fairness and justice, China and other southern countries need to continue to strengthen unity and cooperation, continuously strengthen the economic strength of southern countries, and fully Use multilateral cooperation platforms such as the United Nations and the Group of 20 to promote changes in global governance, Zhao Yating said.