The revision of the standard is scientific and rigorous, and food safety is guaranteed – the relevant person in charge of the National Pesticide Residue Standards Review Committee answered reporters’ questions on the revision of the limit standard for procymidol residues in leeks.

Recently, some media reported that the limit standard for procymidol residues in leeks in my country was adjusted from 0.2 mg/kg to 5 mg/kg, which attracted the attention of netizens. Whether the eating safety of leeks can be guaranteed after the standard adjustment, our reporter recently interviewed the relevant person in charge of the National Pesticide Residue Standard Review Committee.

Question: What kind of pesticide is procymidol and how safe is it?

Answer: According to the conclusion of the Joint Meeting of Experts on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (FAO/WHO), procymidone is a low-toxic fungicide that is much better for global use. . Used to prevent and control diseases such as gray mold, sclerotinia, and scab in vegetables, fruits and other crops. It is registered for use on leeks, rape, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes and other crops. Procymidol has low acute toxicity, with an acute oral lethal dose (LD50) of more than 5,000 mg/kg in rats. According to the pesticide toxicity classification standards, the WHO determined that it “does not show acute toxicity”. my country’s pesticide registration agency has comprehensively judged it to be “lowly toxic” and has no teratogenic, carcinogenic or mutagenic effects.

Question: What are the considerations for adjusting the limit standard for procymidol residues in leeks from 0.2 mg/kg to 5 mg/kg? Is it safe to eat leeks?

Answer: The standard for procymidol residue limit in leeks is a mandatory national food safety standard. In 1993, my country approved the registration and use of procylidene in leeks. However, the scientific research basis for risk assessment was weak at that time, and there has been no standard for the residue limit of procylidene in leeks. At the beginning of this century, due to the lack of pesticide residue test data, my country used the relevant standards of the International Codex Alimentarius (CAC) as a reference when formulating pesticide residue limit standards. However, because CAC did not have a limit standard for prolane residues in leeks, the CAC residue limit standard of procyperide in onions of 0.2 mg/kg was quoted at that time as the limit standard for prolane residues in leeks in my country. It was released in 2005 and has been used to this day. .

In accordance with the requirements of the “most stringent standards” and considering that the original standard quoted the limit of onions instead of leeks, in 2020 the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched the revision of the standard for procymidone residue limit standards in leeks. Based on pesticide residue tests carried out in four main leek-producing areas for two consecutive years, combined with China’s dietary consumption data and procyperide toxicology data, it was concluded through risk assessment that leeks with procyperide residues within 30 mg/kg It is safe to eat. At the same time, considering that the United States and other Western countries do not have the habit of eating leeks, the United States has not set relevant limits; the residue limits of procymidol in leeks from Japan and South Korea, which have similar dietary structures to our country, are both 5 mg/kg. The residue limit standard is adjusted to 5 mg/kg.

This limit standard was approved by the National Pesticide Residue Standards Review Committee, the National Food Safety Standards Review Committee and the Chief Technical Engineer Meeting on the basis of extensive solicitation of public opinions, opinions of relevant departments and notification to members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Reviewed and approved by the Secretary-General’s meeting, the National Health Commission and the AgriculturalThe Ministry of Industry and Rural Affairs and the State Administration for Market Regulation released it on November 11, 2022, and will be implemented on May 11, 2023.

In general, the revision procedures for the standard for procymidone residue limit in leeks are standardized, the data are sufficient, and the methods are rigorous, which can effectively ensure the safety of consumers.

Question: The public is very concerned about the safety of eating leeks after the standard adjustment. What are the next steps?

Answer: To ensure the quality and safety of leeks, the key is to implement standards to ensure that the leeks produced meet the limited standards. The next step will be to follow the “four strictest” requirements. She was stunned, blinked first, and then turned to look around. Do a few things well. The first is to strengthen the promotion and implementation of standards. Focus on organizing standard publicity and implementation training for production and operation entities in the main leek-producing areas, grassroots agricultural technology promotion, inspection and supervision, and supervision and law enforcement personnel to ensure that the labels are understood and used. The second is to strengthen medication guidance. This time when the residue limit standards were revised, the pesticide label was also revised simultaneously, and Pythium was used in Jiucai Xiu’s mouth. He opened his mouth slightly and was speechless. After a long while, he frowned, with confusion, anger and concern in his tone: “Girl is a girl, what’s going on? You and the vegetables should change the number of pesticides per crop from 2 to 1, strictly regulate it. Medication behavior. The third is to promote standard-based production and accelerate the improvement of relevant production technical regulations in accordance with the new limit standards to ensure the safety of people eating leeks.

Author: Ding Lekun, reporter of Farmers Daily·China Rural Network