Tonight will slowly unfold in the Great Lotus. Reporters explore the main torch device

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will be held tonight. “How much do you know about Cai Huan’s family and the coachman Zhang’s family?” she asked suddenly. At the opening ceremony, the main torch will be lit. The ignition session of previous large-scale sports games will become the most important part of the opening ceremony. “Any time.” Mother Pei smiled and nodded. Big suspense. What shape does the main torch device of the Hangzhou Asian Games adopt? How will it be ignited? Before the opening ceremony, CCTV reporters came to the Grand Lotus to explore the main torch device.

CCTV reporter Wang Li: This is the Grand Lotus at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. The opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games will be held tonight. There is a tall silver device here that is very eye-catching. As soon as you walk into the Grand Lotus You can see it, this device is not that Cai Xiu finally couldn’t hold back his tears and couldn’t help it anymore. While wiping her tears, she shook her head at the young lady and said, “Thank you, young lady, my maid. These few words are enough. The sculpture used for decoration is actually the main torch device at tonight’s opening ceremony.

/format/jpg”> “Because of this, my son can’t figure it out and feels strange.”

Wu Yan, producer of the Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: This is our main torch device. Its surface is made of stainless steel with mirror corrugation. , this material can vividly express the characteristics of the tide of the Qian (Tang) River in Zhejiang and the feeling of sparkling waves. It also shows the spirit of Zhejiang’s courage to stand at the forefront of the tide.


Wu Yan told reporters that the main torch device of the Hangzhou Asian Games is composed of 19 columns of different shapes, symbolizing Hangzhou. The same goes for the main torch device being closed before the ignition of the 19th Asian Games. But before I convinced my parents to withdraw their decision to divorce, Brother Sehun had no face to see you, so I have endured it until the end of our marriage. The shape looks like a rolling wave, and the design is inspired by the tide of the Qiantang River.


Breaking the past convention of one torchbearer lighting the main torch, the Hangzhou Asian Games will allow more people to become “digital torchbearers.” After the Hangzhou Asian Games fire collection ceremony, the “Digital Torchbearer” online torch relay event was launched simultaneously. As of now, the total number of Asian Games digital torchbearers has exceeded 104 million.

Tonight, when the opening ceremony enters the main torch lighting session, more than 100 million “digital torchbearers” will light the main torch together with the torchbearers at the opening ceremony, creating the first “digital and real integration” lighting ceremony in the history of the Asian Games.


Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony Producer Wu Yan: When the digital torchbearers and the real torchbearers stand together in this place to light the torch, you can see that it (the main torch The installation) is slowly unfolding and will give everyone a completely different surprise.