Wu Zhong: Holiday scenery in a morning Sugaring tea_China.net

According to Xinhua News Agency, Yinchuan (Reporter Ai Fumei Ma Sijia) Despite his estimates, as the manager of a time-honored morning tea shop in Wuzhong, Ningxia, Shengli still underestimated the flow of customers who would come here to taste the delicious food during the May Day holiday. quantity.
“Our private rooms, booths and scattered seats combined on the upper and lower floors can seat more than 400 people. Basically, these two days They are all full and the table turnover rate is also good. >Escort manilaThe waiters are extremely tired every day,” Sheng Li said.
 Pinay escortSugar daddy China’s morning tea culture is extensive and profound and is an important part of the traditional culture and food culture of the Chinese nation. In most people’s minds, Guangdong and Yangzhou morning tea are representatives of morning tea culture. But Sugar daddy is located in Wuzhong City on the bank of the Yellow River, where ramen, eight-treasure tea, beef, various snacks and noodles are perfectly integrated , gradually formed a unique morning tea with “noodles”. Diners not only have a satisfying meal, but also enjoy a rare leisure time. In July 2021, Wuzhong City was awarded the honorary title of “Morning Tea Culture Landmark City” by the China Cuisine Association Pinay escort.
In order to continue to enhance the reputation and influence of Wuzhong Morning Tea, Wuzhong City has held three consecutive Wuzhong Morning Teas since 2021 Sugar daddy Morning Tea Food Culture Festival, this year’s cultural festival will be held from April 30 to May 5.
 Pinay escortFrom issuing government consumption coupons to opening public parking lots for free, from taking the lead in lowering dish prices to proactively providing “small portions” and “double dishes”, Wu ZhongSugar daddyThe city government and catering companies all hope to use the most diverse services to benefit the people to ignite holiday consumption
The Manwanxiang morning tea shop where Shengli is located is one of the 36 branch venues set up in this morning tea cultural festival. As a fast-food ramen restaurant, it has gradually developed It is a morning tea shop that can now provide diners with more than 20 kinds of side dishes, more than 30 kinds of noodles, ramen noodles of different thicknesses and various flavors of Babao tea.
“Our most distinctive feature is hot beef, which is fatManila escort and lean. The rib meat is cooked with secret seasoning Manila escort and must beManila escortIt tastes best when it’s hot. “Sheng Li said that in order to ensure that diners eat the most delicious hot beef, they not only require the waiters to cut the meat quickly and serve the dishes Pinay escortQuickly, even the plate containing the meat must be heated with an insulated Escort manila box, because once the cold plate is used, the meat will cool down quickly and the taste will be affected. It will get worse.
Not only Manwanxiang has its own “signature”, but every time-honored enterprise and morning tea in Wuzhong. The demonstration stores all have their own unique secretEscortrecipes, also becausePinay escortThis has attracted a group of loyal diners over the years, along with Wu.The reputation of Zhong Morning Tea is gradually expanding, and various morning tea shops are also eclectic, taking into account the tastes of both the north and the south.
For example, Suzi Morning Tea Demonstration Store introduces Su-style morning tea steamed shrimp dumplings, osmanthus cake, etc., while Xiangdingding Morning Tea Culture The experience center draws on the practice of Cantonese-style morning tea and introduces more than ten kinds of Cantonese-style pastries such as prawns, cuttlefish cakes, and crystal dumplings, which are very popular among new customers.Sugar daddyA favorite among regular diners.
Judging from historical documents, northwest people have been fond of drinking tea since the Tang Dynasty, because local people like to eat beef, mutton, and dairy products. Drinking tea can relieve greasiness. The ingredients in hot tea have also continued to change with the changes of the times, and gradually developed into today’s eight-treasure tea.
Escort manila But Wu Zhong The real rise of morning tea shops started with ramen restaurants. In the 1980s, many Lanzhou people brought ramen to Ningxia, and Wuzhong people innovated and improved it, achieving the perfect fusion of Babao tea and Lanzhou ramen.
“Wuzhong morning tea, originated from Chinese cuisine, has a long history and cultural foundationManila escort is rich in Escort. It is a natural medium to convey friendship and a bridge to inherit culture. ” said Li Kun, Director of Wuzhong City Commerce and Investment Promotion BureauSugar daddy.
It is understood that among the ranks of Wuzhong morning tea delicacies, Ningxia’s hand-caught mutton production techniques are represented by “Guoqiang Shou” It is a national-level “intangible cultural heritage”, and the pure handmade health-preserving eight-treasure tea preparation technology represented by “Liu Sanduo Babao Tea” is an autonomous region-level “intangible cultural heritage”. These gourmet “intangible cultural heritage” undoubtedly make Wuzhong morning tea more “cultural”. Sugar daddy
  五EscortOn the first day of the holiday, “Wuzhong Beauty + Food” attracted many tourists from inside and outside the district, and morning tea tasting became the main theme of the holiday catering market EscortAccording to statistics, Escort manila the city’s activities attracted a total of 520,000 passengers that day , with a cumulative sales volume of 121 million yuan, of which the main venue of the 4th Wuzhong Morning Tea Food Culture Festival had a cumulative passenger flow of 987,000 people and a cumulative sales volume of 8.5623 million yuan.
Xu Jing, a tourist from Lanzhou, Gansu, made a special trip to Ningxia to experience Wuzhong morning tea and feel the unique culture. “After eating it, I really felt that Wuzhong morning tea was great. ” she saidSugar daddy.
“This is a landscape of Wuzhong catering and has become a way of life for local people. We basically come here for morning tea on weekends and holidays. Several friends sit together to keep in touch. If there is business, we also discuss it at the morning tea table. ” said Mr. Wang, a native of Wuzhong who was having morning tea at Manwanxiang Morning Tea Shop. He also told Sugar daddy reporter that for locals , if friends from outside Manila escort come to Wuzhong, having morning tea has become a “fixed item”