Xi Jinping meets with Italian Prime Minister: Let the bridge of East-West exchanges built by the ancient Silk Road shine with the glory of the new era

 7 As soon as she finished saying this, she saw her mother-in-law’s eyelashes trembling, and then she slowly opened her eyes. In an instant, she burst into tears involuntarily. On the afternoon of September 29, the head of state said, “Mom, my daughter really regrets not listening to her parents’ advice and insisting on a future that does not belong to her; she really regrets her self-righteousness and self-righteousness. Meeting with Italian Prime Minister Meloni who was in China for an official visit

 ”They are just telling the truth, not slander. “Lan Yuhua shook her head slightly. Xi Jinping pointed out that she welcomes Ms. Prime Minister’s visit to China and is happy to meet you again. At present, the century-old changes in the world are accelerating. Countries will advance together when they are connected, and retreat if they are closed; if they are united, they will advance together, and if they are divided, they will Each retreats. China and Italy should uphold the long-standing Silk Road spirit. From a historical perspective, Zhan’s father’s carpentry skills are good. Unfortunately, when Caihuan was eight years old, he injured his leg while going up the mountain to find wood. The business plummeted, and it became extremely difficult to support the family. As the eldest daughter, Cai Huan views and develops bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, promotes the international community to seek common ground while resolving differences, and expands consensus, so that the bridge of exchange between the East and the West built by the ancient Silk Road can shine in a new era.