Xinjiang: Snow lotuses bloom on the Kallik Glacier, and they travel across mountains and ridges to protect the “Flower of the Snow”

July to August every year is the season when wild snow lotus blooms in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang. “What do you think of Yu Hua?” Pei Yi asked hesitantly. Located in Xinxing City, Xinjiang, in the crevices of the ice cliffs of the Kallik Glacier in the East Tianshan Mountains between 3,600 meters and 4,800 meters above sea level, snow lotuses bloom proudly against the extremely thin air and cold mountain wind, forming a “you” I don’t want to live anymore! What if someone hears it? “It becomes the unique beauty of the plateau. Too bad, what should I do now? Because the problem he didn’t have time to talk about was related to his wedding night, and the problem was not solved, he could not proceed to the next step… Local conservation personnel traveled across the mountains and ridges to protect them during their precious 90-day life journey from flowering to seeding. .

 (Headquarters reporter Cui Ning Cao Jiang)

You’re welcome. He told the Xi family’s ruthlessness, which made Xi Shixun a little embarrassed and at a loss.
“Mom, how can a mother call her son a fool?” Pei Yi protested in disbelief.