Xinjiang: Snow lotuses bloom on the Kallik Glacier, and they travel across mountains and ridges to protect the “Flower of the Snow”

July to August every year is the season when wild snowdrops bloom in the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. They can be found in the crevices of the ice cliffs at the Kallik Glacier in the East Tianshan Mountains between 3,600 and 4,800 meters above sea level, located in Xinxing City, Xinjiang. , snow lotuses bloomed proudly in the extremely thin air and cold mountain wind. Her father went home and told her mother about it. Her mother was also very angry, but after learning about it, she was overjoyed and couldn’t wait to see her. Mom and Dad, tell them she does. Forming the unique beauty of the plateau. Local conservation personnel traveled across the mountains and ridges to protect them from flowering to seeding. To be honest, she never thought she would adapt to her current life so quickly. Everything was so natural, without any force. This precious 90 days journey of life.

 (Headquarters reporter Cui Ning Cao Jiang)