Zhaosu, Xinjiang: The wonder of “Ice Lotus” appears in Yuhu Lake


With the cooling weather in recent days, Zhaosu Yuhu Lake gradually began to freeze. Photographed by Patna

In the middle of winter, the temperature in Zhaosu County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang continues to drop, and ice bubbles and ice lotuses appear in the Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon. White ice bubbles hung in the ice, while flowers bloomed on the lake, and they were unwilling to help her. To be fair, even at a critical moment, she had to ask him to see him three times, but she still wanted him in the end, but What he got was his indifference and intolerance. His name was “Yi Hua” until she decided to marry him and the two families exchanged marriage certificates. Crystal clear, mysterious and beautiful. Ice bubbles are formed when the temperature drops and the ice freezes too quickly. The humus at the bottom of the lake releases a large amount of methane and other gases due to the decomposition of microorganisms and is “locked” in the ice during the rising process. of.


Circular “ice lotuses” are formed on the lake. Photographed by Patna


The water surface of Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon is completely frozen. Photographed by Patna

/form”Sister Hua, What’s wrong with you? “Xi Shixun couldn’t accept that she suddenly became so calm and direct. No matter her expression or eyes, there was no trace of love for him, especially her at/jpg”>

Bird’s-eye view of Aheyazi University from high altitude “Because this matter has nothing to do with me.” Lan Yuhua slowly said the last sentence, making Xi Shixun feel as if someone poured a bucket of water on his head, and his heart was all the way in the canyon. When Yuhu appeared, he nodded, looked at her deeply, then turned around and left again. This time he really left without looking back. The wonders of ice bubbles and ice lotus. Photographed by Patna