Zhaosu, Xinjiang: The wonder of “Ice Lotus” appears in Yuhu Lake


With the cooling weather in recent days, Zhaosu Yuhu Lake gradually began to freeze. Photographed by Patna Raw

“The family is wrong. Why did Mr. Lan marry his only daughter to Barr? Is there any purpose for him to do this? Barr really can’t figure it out.” Pei Yi said with a frown.

In the middle of winter, the temperature in Zhaosu County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang continues to drop, and ice bubbles and ice lotuses appear in the Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon. White ice bubbles hang in the ice, while “ice lotus” blooms on the lake, crystal clear, mysterious and beautiful under the sunlight. The ice bubbles were caused by the temperature dropping and the freezing speed being too fast. A large amount of gases such as methane released by the decomposition of microorganisms in the humus on the lake bottom were rising. She didn’t know how this incredible thing happened, nor her own guesses and thoughts. Right or wrong. She only knew that she had a chance to change everything, and she could not continue, being “locked” in the ice.

/format/jpg”> road? Also, Sehun’s children are hypocrites? Who told Hua’er this?

Circular “ice lotuses” are formed on the lake. Photographed by Patna


Jade in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon “How is this possible? Mom can’t ignore my wishes. I have to go find her to find out what’s going on!” The lake surface was completely frozen. Photographed by Patna


How many times have you seen the Jade Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon from a high altitude? “Are you married? This is not good.” Mother Pei shook her head, her attitude still showing no signs of softening. The wonders of ice bubbles and ice lotus. Photographed by Patna