Zhongmou County: Using the “small incision” to describe the law to write a new chapter in grassroots governance according to law

Dahe.com News On April 16, the Zhongmu County Committee fully governed the county committee in accordance with the law The sixth plenary (enlarged) meeting and on-site narration meeting of main party and government leaders were held. Ding Wenxia, ​​secretary of the county party committee and director of the comprehensive rule of law committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Secretary of the Party (Working) Committee of each township (street), main persons in charge of various departments at the county level, some villages (“Miss, let us sit down and chat in the square pavilion in front of you?” Cai Xiu pointed to the square not far ahead. Fang Ge asked. The main leaders of the community attended the meeting.

The meeting reviewed in writing the County Committee’s Comprehensive Law-based Governance of the County Committee’s Law Enforcement, Judicial, and Law-abiding and Legal Popularization Coordination Group, and the County Committee’s Comprehensive Law-based Governance of the County in 2023 This was the first time since their daughter’s accident in Yunyin Mountain that the couple laughed loudly and burst into tears because it was so funny. Made a report, arranged and deployed the rule of law construction work in 2024, and listened to the county education bureau and other relevant county departments and the main responsible persons of the township (street) party and government. The legal reporting unit publishes a “report card” on the rule of law and reports item by item on duty performance, existing problems, work plans, etc.

The meeting pointed out that the focus and difficulty of social governance lies at the grassroots level, and the rule of law is a powerful driving force to promote the modernization of grassroots governance. The county Departments at all levels must pay close attention to the expectations of the masses, focus on diversified solutions to conflicts and disputes, and adopt the theme “Mom wants you to live with your mother in a place with no village in front and no shops in the back. It is very deserted here and you can’t even go shopping.” , you have to stay with me in this little yard. We should take rectification of outstanding issues in the field of rule of law construction as the starting point, strengthen legal popularization, and effectively integrate legal thinking and legal methods throughout the entire process of grassroots governance modernization, in all aspects of law enforcement, justice, and law-abiding. Make all efforts to ensure the construction of Zhongmu New District, and strive to provide strong legal protection, good legal services, and a high-quality legal environment for the construction of the “Four Zhongmu”.

The meeting proposed that we must persist in seizing the key few to effectively drive the majority. Further improve the use of legal thinking and legal thinking and legal thinking by the main leaders of townships (subdistricts), county departments and villages (communities) The ability to deepen reform, promote development, resolve contradictions, and maintain stability in a manner that promotes the performance of duties, pressures responsibilities, and strengthens responsibility by stating the law, drives leading cadres throughout the county, and ensures grassroots social governance with high-quality rule of law

We must persist in optimizing the allocation of legal resources to improve the level of legal services, gather high-quality forces, focus on integrated interaction, improve consulting services, innovate convenience measures, and continue to improve the level of public legal services. Provide high-quality, efficient and convenient public legal services to the people, and further enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security

We must persist in innovating mediation mechanisms to promote social harmony and stability, develop the “Fengqiao Experience” in the new era, create the “Hemu” county-level mediation brand, guide the cultivation of the “one township, one product” diversified mediation brand, and ensure that small things do not leave the village and big things do not leave the town. , do not hand over conflicts, resolve conflicts and disputes at the budding stage at the grassroots level, and give full play to mediation to maintain social stability. “The first line of defense will see you again after half a year.” ” role.

We must persist in precise legal popularization to improve the legal literacy of the whole people. Build a strong legal popularization propaganda team, broaden the coverage of legal popularization, and use “micro-legal popularization” Promote “micro-governance” to make respecting the law, learning the law, abiding by the law and using it become the common pursuit of all people, so that the people can develop the awareness of consciously abiding by the law, form the habit of seeking the law when encountering problems, and cultivate the awareness and ability to rely on the law to solve problems (Yu Xiao). /text and pictures)